Bill O’reilly🔥🦅🔥when NEWS had Balls.


bill o'reilly 1

The Death of unbiased Journalism? 😢💔

NEWS used to have balls. You had to play with the Boys before you got the Point and then you would get a Tip. I kid Bill but I have much respect for him. I hated FOX News during the George W. Bush Administration because they were so obviously lying & carrying water for the Neo-Cons. But, to their credit they humbly acknowledged their error and changed formats. They earned my respect back in spades.

O’reilly and his Disciples have courage and after I accidentally got Jon Stewart fired Bill Googled himself and found my photoshops with which I was Educationally Trolling him. Instead of getting offended he referred to me as the voice crying out in the wilderness because I was debating Atheists and winning. I was a veritable online journalist documenting interactions.

He rewarded me by picking up my narrative and started…

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