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Putin was already angry at CNN



This conversation had already been going on & it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It has everything to do with the Hypocrisy of the Democrat Thought Plantation & their smarmy, snarky Arrogance when they put on airs of Moral Superiority.

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Failure & Weakness is not a Virtue


If you don’t know every logical fallacy & cognitive bias you don’t know of you are committing them.  The vast majority of people are stupid, they don’t know how to think let alone think analytically.  You are being manipulated to your disadvantage by the same people that attenuated the College Curriculum in order to make you stupid so they could make you into a permanent slave.

Unless you have trained your mind to think analytically then you automatically operate on Logical Fallacies & Cognitive Biases. In perceiving Reality people Unconsciously Categorize things are Harmless (female) & Potentially Dangerous (male).  We are overly suspicious of those who could potentially do harm while at the same time we don’t scrutinize those that have done or are doing harm.  Psychopaths use this knowledge of human instinct to “Bypass your Threat Filter” by appearing Harmless when they intend to do harm once they are in your “blind spot” or in a position where you are helpless.

What is Hillary Clinton Afraid of?



She swore up & down here private server wasn’t compromised.  Vladimir Putin can’t go back in time & hack her server. It’s not the fact that she is a Corrupt Liar that bothers the Liberals, Donald Trump is somehow the Cause of the Bad because her Lies & Corruption might get Revealed.  She accuses the Conservatives of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and then suggests that Putin & Trump are in cahoots.  It can’t just be that Vladimir hates her & knows she will start a war with him if she gets into office. . .

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Sack Up Corporate America


A little bit nervous. Nervous young businesswoman biting her nails while standing against grey background I wrote Fundamentalist Drift Theory when I recognized a process.  When you attempt to expand your Authority by including people who are too stupid to raise themselves to the Bar necessary for entry they bring their judgments & failure with them.  Because they are now a part of your movement they begin to exert an influence on it. Either we exert an influence on them & judge them or they will force us to do things their way & submit us to their issues.

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Bill Maher is an Idiot.


bill maher

A shibboleth (/ˈʃɪbəˌlɛθ, əlθ/[1][2]) (About this sound listen ) originally represented a word or custom whose variations were used to differentiate members of ingroups from those of outgroups, with each receiving value judgments of superior or inferior. Over time the word has also evolved to signify an old belief or saying that is repetitively cited but untrue. As an illustration of this usage the Concise Oxford Dictionary cites “[We] must abandon outdated shibboleths”.   (SOURCE)

Elvis’ great-great-great-grandmother, Morning White Dove (1800-1835), was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. She married William Mansell, a settler in western Tennessee, in 1818. William’s father, Richard Mansell, had been a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mansell is a French name–its literal translation is the man from Le Mans. The Mansells…

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