
A Talk with Joxua MourningStar
Lynn: A lot of people don’t realize how much time you have spent observing people.  You feel that in understanding other people you understand yourself better.  I wanted to ask you about some things that sounded very interesting to me.  It was about your observations on western women and how because of their indoctrination into what I agree is corrupt feminism they have this uncanny ability to ignore their true instincts.  How was it that you were able to observe women and figure out the pattern?
Joxua: Well, I was raised Jehovah’s Witness and my father was very ambitious and domineering.  I was raised with the perspective that the first person one dates should probably be the one a person marries.  It’s like expecting somebody who has never played baseball to step up to the plate in the ninth inning of the World Series and hit a home run over the green giant.  So obviously, my first serious relationship was a colossal fuck up and I promised myself that never again would I get involved in an exclusive relationship with a woman until I understood women.  After leaving home and moving far away without telling friends or family I realized that I needed a venue where I could study women so I became a stripper for three years and a bouncer for five years which all together made seven years because they overlapped.
Lynn: What was it that you learned about women in that period of time?
Joxua: I was moderately attractive and exceptionally talented.  Fonzie used to say “Some guys are great lovers and some guys are great fighters.  I happen to be both.”  I was the complete package so I couldn’t understand why I constantly got the reactions that I got from women.  I experimented for years, changed my style over and over, changed my approach, my demeanor, my presentation, my appearance; the results were always the same.  I observed it more with bouncing than with stripping.  It was easier to see then because bouncing is less overtly sexual but I figured out how women make choices.  Women always say that men are arrogant or conceited and in my experience, the truth is actually the opposite.  What I observed over and over and over again is that women that were attracted to me, fearing that I was a player because I was so talented and good looking and needing to be the dominant sex object in the relationship would force their affections and attention toward an uglier, less talented male.  Feeling less intimidated and less threatened by him they had the upper hand but sentimental thinkers delude themselves.  I also knew and was observing the guy who they were jocking.  The hilarious fact of the matter was that all of the women evaluated things in the same way so instead of having sex in a relationship with a guy they were attracted to physically they defeated themselves by getting played by an ugly player.  Some of these guys were way older than they looked some of them had wandering eyes, some of them were fat and engaged or married but the woman needed to feel like she needed the upper hand, that she was more attractive.  It was lulzy.
Lynn: That boggles the mind so not only did women not enjoy the sex, they put themselves in the very relationship they were trying to avoid.  I want to get more into the psychology of the female mind when she is making these choices.  What can you tell me about the processes?  Mental and emotional that she goes through.
Joxua: Well, women edit their consideration set in a certain way.  They approach relationship entirely different than men do.  The female mind presupposes pleasantness and participation with moral authority which creates a disparate impact in favor of women and children.  Who would fail to survive in a natural environment which was described as the war of all against all-Bellum omnium contra omnium.  Men on the other hand, being in relationship with reality and nature realize that women do not want to hear the truth, the ugly truth, they don’t want to know what turns men on and what they desire.  They don’t want to hear about or think about ugly things.  You can’t tell the truth to a woman.  She doesn’t want to hear it.  That’s why she gets into a relationship in the first place so that the man can help protect her from reality.  In the bible, it refers to women as the complement.  Pimps wrote the bible, philosophical pimps.  The word compliment is a mathematical term.  It refers to an angle that is less than ninety degrees of a circle.  The anti-thesis of the compliment is the supplement which is in an angle more than ninety degrees of a circle.  The woman is the complement and the man is the supplement because the female mind presupposing a pleasant environment  and myopically editing her consideration set to focus on emotional pornography which she enjoys predisposing itself to failure at life and in reality.  Like a pea hen she assumes the nest which is created by the male mind.
Lynn: How does this play out in the modern western world?  What kind of patterns is it creating?
Joxua: Women have a conceit that no man can understand themselves and if you don’t understand yourself you can’t understand how you’re being manipulated.  Women are incapable of self-scrutiny because they need to have smoke blown up their asses.  They only want to hear positive shit about themselves and they are attracted to men with money, a surplus of money as positive survival data for the female mind.  She can spend the man’s money, sharing it with herself because women believe strongly in sharing on clothes, possessions for the nest, babies, puppies and charities.  There are these psychopathic men out there that know how women think and will tell them whatever they want to hear to get what they want and some of these men understand how women are emotionally in relationship with money so they do whatever it takes to have the most money so they can have the most bitches or the hottest bitches.
Lynn: I am starting to see how your concept of the passive cause and the active cause plays out in your psychological model.  What’s the solution?  What should women do?  What do they have to do in order to not get played or manipulated by psychopaths?
Joxua: Well, as you know I believe that the problems we are experiencing in our economy and in our government are caused by emergent properties which come from the over-emphasis of feminine values and narratives we’ve basically managed to turn capitalism into communism by counter-incentivizing masculinity “From those with greater ability to those with greater need “creates desperate impact in favor of femininity people have an incentive to be needy so instead of being strong, smart and wise, they act victimized, weak and stupid, therefore they are more deserving because they are more needy.
Lynn: That’s kind of more about the problem I want to know from your perspective how women should be and what should they do?
Joxua: What sexually attracts a woman to a man is that on a subconscious level or maybe even an unconscious level woman want more in the world of that man.  They want the world to be more like that man, more of his form, more of his values, more of his thoughts, more of his words.  When women try to be strategic and they think about other factors besides these: money, power, and status.  That is my definition of a slut because they are ignoring and being false to their innate animal intelligence.  It is because of their strategic behavior that they expose themselves to being manipulated and taken advantage of which creates incentives for ugly, lying, social climbing, thieving, gomer males.  The hidden subject of which is that women by being false to what attracts them, refusing to stay in relationship with the man that arouses them are making the world a shittier place to live in, in an attempt to expand feminine authority and usurp and suppress masculine values on which they depend for survival and the fulfillment of their needs.
Lynn: Wow…mind blowing.   So much to meditate on, you connected so many dots right now.  Thank you.





It just so happened that when I was studying Deborah Tannen’s material on male and female communication rituals and plugging it into my philosophy and psychology I was also reading THE GENIUS FACTORY by David Plotz, which is about the first sperm bank ever the one that all other sperm banks were modeled after.  It sold nothing but Nobel Prize winner sperm and not a single baby was spawned from the bank until it lowered its standards, a lot.  I have spent years figuring out why what happens does happen and how people make choices and the emergent properties of those choices and judgments.  

In just about every other culture in the world women do not choose their mates by themselves.  There are arranged marriages, there are matchmakers, etc. but in the United States women get to choose their mate without any direction based entirely on their whim and fancy.  So, how do women make those selections without guidance and without any analysis and strategy when left to their own resources?  Well, returning to the Genius Factory we find that women didn’t choose Nobel Prize sperm because they didn’t want their children to be freakishly intelligent so that they would stand out and attract attention to themselves.  They wanted their babies to blend into the herd.  

This is so interesting for so many reasons, it is telling of the female mind and the concealed contempt it has for masculinity and masculine virtue.  It wasn’t that women didn’t want their babies to rise to the top of the herd, they just wanted them to social climb in a less obvious manner, in a more manipulative manner.  Also, women naturally try to reify, and expand their personal authority.  I have observed women that will not date a man whom they can’t control or dominate, or a man that is more attractive than they are, or a man that is smarter than they are, why?  Because of the collective judgments of the herd.   Women have a hierarchy as far as importance of opinion goes. 

  1. Their own opinion
  2. The opinion of their children
  3. The opinion of other women
  4. The opinion of society
  5. The opinion of their mate

I am sitting here watching the United States go to hell every day, moving in the wrong direction, making the wrong choices, while children get stupider and stupider and I am thinking to myself “why is this going on?”  Whose sperm did women choose to get pregnant with?  SCUM!  LYING, MANIPULATIVE, PSYCHOPATHIC, STRATEGIC, SCUM!  It wasn’t until the invention of the sperm bank that people realized there was a type of man known as an “opportunistic reproducer” .  Men whose life goal it is to have as many progeny as possible and these men were pathetic losers that looked good on paper.  One pale, bald, freakish, fuck basically considered donating sperm as his “job”  he had never had another job besides that.

What is so funny is that women deliberated over their choices for long periods of time and they failed with infinite precision almost every time because they forgot to account for something in their decision making process, and that is the fact that…. wait for it……..


Because of the way women edit their consideration sets they make terrible choices when it comes to relationship.  They predispose themselves to being manipulated by psychopathic men.  Because they are hostile to the things that men value they react negatively to male opinions and perspectives and avoid these.  Not only that women have auto-appraisers that look out for masculine things to attack and avoid.

Some of these pathetic men had as many as 26 children from multiple sperm banks.  That is a lot.  The men that thought the least of women but would never tell them that.  The men that figured out exactly what women wanted to hear and told them that.  The men that manipulated women ruthlessly without any concern for their desires, those are the men that bred the most children, and they didn’t even have to pay alimony.  Sigh….

Ponder this, right now there are women reading this article that hate my guts and want me to die.  Not because I am wrong, but because I am right.  They want me to shut up and go away, they want my voice to be strangled and shut off.  They don’t want my perspective and knowledge in the world.  And the funny thing is, I am not the psychopathic person pleasantly manipulating them.  I am pecker slapping them with the truth about themselves, and that my friends is the unforgivable sin. 
