The great star for 7 days shall burn…

The great star for 7 days shall burn...


The word Shiva comes from the Hebrew word shiv’ah, which literally means “seven”. The tradition was developed in response to the story in Genesis 50:1-14 in which Joseph mourns the death of his father Jacob (Israel) for seven days.

The final sign[edit]
The ninth and final sign of destruction is described by White Feather as, “You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.”.[6] This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of all Hopi rituals is reflected in Waters’ book, Book of the Hopi, in which he states, “The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children.[7]” This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the Fourth World. Waters suggested that World War III will begin and the United States will be ripped apart by war, leaving only the Hopis and their homeland intact. The war of the end of the world is described[by whom?] as “a spiritual conflict with material matters [7]”.


Rabbi Ba’al Shivah on Pope Francis Dove Attack


I have been asked by Soror L to explain the symbolism is a recent event.  I am going to use my fully awakened Cohan DNA and my status as High Priest of the Augure Cult to explain the symbolism or interpret the omens, as is our custom.  As Gnostics we believe that everything that happens is god trying to communicate something to us.

I will start by prefacing it with this, Pope Francis recently recanted the literal teaching of Adam and Eve and the teaching of hell fire.  Not only does this disenfranchise certain hard line members of the Roman Catholic Church (such as Opus dei) it also creates a weakening of Catholic power.  Let me explain.


Above is the Vatican seal, the keys are crossed because you can’t get into heaven without the blessing of the Catholic Church.  They possess all of the authority of God on earth.  Because everybody is guilty of original sin by being born, everybody is under the authority of the RCC and has to do what they say and please them in order to get into heaven.  There were other sins that were impossible not to do (like masturbation) that further increased the authority of the church and the guilt of its members.  And then they had to atone to show they were penitent.  When people were killing themselves in order to not have to do the things the Church asked of them, (Crusades) the church made suicide and unforgivable sin.

Not only does this put women and homosexuals on equal footing with men and allow them admittance into the ranks of the clergy it recognizes the religious authority of other religions.

The gesture of invoking a peaceful new year by releasing doves was immediately thwarted by two carrion birds, (birds that eat meat).  It was a sign that the spirit world vehemently disagrees with what some of Pope Francis is saying and is demonstrating it visibly.  When I started moving energy July 4 2012, I had come to the realization that God the Father, Sanat Kumara, also known by other names had returned to the earth and he was incensed.  God is not as Francis asserts a loving god.  Before people incarnate they sign a contract in spirit in order to learn certain lessons, in order to make themselves like God.  That is not happening in the world right now, the world is over populated with psychopaths, and every day it gets more psychopathic.

“All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there? In the past, the church has been harsh on those it deemed morally wrong or sinful. Today, we no longer judge. Like a loving father, we never condemn our children. Our church is big enough for heterosexuals and homosexuals, for the pro-life and the pro-choice! For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”


Stick with me here, we are going to go on a tangent but I promise to lead you back.  When Rome was deciding who should be it’s first King they chose between Romulus and Remus.  Remus was rejected because he lived on Aventine hill, which had “inauspicious birds” on it, carrion birds, vultures, crows, ravens, owls, etc.  They were bad auguries, bad omens, bad signs, bad portents, so the wrong ruler was chosen, Romulus.  During the mid point of the Pax Romana Octavian chose between 2 names, Romulus, the first king of Rome (they don’t like kings, too much like tyrants) and Augustus meaning honest and coming from the Augure cult and being associated with Remus.  He chose Augustus.  Interesting note that that two invasive months in our calendar are July and August, (Julius and Augustus) it always bothered me that the last 4 months were named after the numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10, (sapta, octa, nova, deca, maybe you noticed?).  ( ARTICLE


Something is afoot, Francis is backtracking faster than anybody has ever backtracked before.  I predicted two weeks ago that he would be assassinated and I am maintaining that assertion.  I predicted that the structures of Authority would start collapsing and they are.  (  This is where it gets bizarre, I actually screwed the pooch on this prediction, I said that Desmond Tutu would be the next pope, innocently unaware that he wasn’t Catholic, I predicted this before Pope Ratzinger announced that he would unexpectedly step down, check out the time stamp, not even my blog (

Also, according to Nostradamus this is supposed to be the last pope before the disbanding of the RCC.

“The great star for seven days shall burn

So nakedly clear like two suns appearing

The large dog all night howling

While the great Pontiff shall change his territory.”

(  related link

A few months ago, when I was at Lon Milo Duquette’s home, we were scrying the realm of water.  I had an intense vision of swords Crossed up and down, symbolizing a complete disagreement, a divorce as it were, between the Yin world and the Yang world.  The Yin world is the angelic realm.  (  There is a war going on right now in spirit, and it hasn’t fully crossed into the material realm, but when it does it is going to be a doozey.   Oh, yeah, one more thing, that scrying was right before the government shut down…


How to be an office Deuchebag.



Ignore the fact that the person has an excellent reputation with the company and that they have performed at an outstanding level for the past 11 years.  Ignore the fact that the economy is tanking and that sales are off the chart.  Ignore the fact that your team member is breaking records.  Ignore the fact that you will never be able to replace him.  Ignore the fact that no human being could do everything perfectly given the lack of time, the volume of movement, and the physical demands of the job. 

Remember that you have one single iota of power, a slight promotion over him.  Remember that you don’t have to be part of the solution all you have to do is criticize, you don’t have to be part of the solution if you can’t be directly blamed for the problem and if all you do is delegate than you…

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I wanted to start listing the psychopathic processes, patterns, and behaviors that I come across.  This is one I recently picked up from the L case study.  Over stay your welcome and then get offended when other people want you to leave or get irritated at your presence.  In a meritocracy of pleasantness instead of a meritocracy of reason, from the feminine perspective, you win.  Now with your self appointed moral authority you have the right to punish them by extracting a fee or by whining, nagging, making an appeal to sympathy or “caring”.  Each time they repeat that you they want you to leave or become more emotional about leaving, react by becoming even more emotional, and histrionic.  The fascinating thing about this technique is that it further removes people’s wanting you to be around and creates a counter incentive to them wanting to be around you in the…

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My Sister



deviant art

Rachel, the incarnation of pure evil?  My sister’s food aggression didn’t end with trying to starve me to death during my breastfeeding stage.  Even dogs are tested for food aggression to see if they can be given up for adoption.  My sister had much more freedom than I did and was allowed to go out to many more places with many more people than I was.  She went out to eat a lot.  That didn’t stop her from eating my left overs every single time.  I don’t even think she knew that it was carrying over from her behavior as a baby.  When my parents mentioned how she acted she laughed about it.  My sister was the kind of person that when my dad bought trail mix she would pick out all of the M&Ms and leave the raisins and peanuts for everybody else.  She was incapable of…

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Mommie Dearest



My mother… (sigh)  what a piece of work.  I realize now that she was sick, mentally, she would sit in the dark for hours picking her nose in some weird form of schizophrenic meditation only to emerge and say the most bat shit insane thing you could think of and it all made perfect sense to her.  She was constantly mixing her metaphors, “you never look a gift horse in the mouth, you lead him to water so he can’t drink.”  And she was completely sincere.  She tried to moralize everything, whenever anything happened she was like, “what we can learn from this is that, god hates dinosaurs.”  and then my dad would be like, “NO!” and she would be like “no?”  and he would be like, “NO!!!” and she would be like, “Ok…”


My mother I would realize later was Shizophrenic, that is why she was photophobic.  She was…

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