Martin Luther King’s Dream Resurrected.


Originally tweeted on August 26th, before MLK’s Niece endorsed Donald Trump. Thank you, Sister Alveda King. 🙂

James Comey is a Coward & a Traitor.

james comey fbi

Donald Trump is Mr. Brexit.

Epic Troll


Lying Media Scum bags said that he went to Scotland in order to play Golf which wasn’t true.  They said he went to Scotland to make a speech about Brexit but he was too stupid to know that Scotland voted Remain, also a lie.  He went to Turnberry to tour a recent property acquisition by one of his sons.  He refused to even touch a golf club and he just happened to be there when the Brexit vote was caste.  The Media never retracted or apologized for their Lies.  Pretty sure people are getting tired of the bigotry of the biased and corrupt media. 

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Natural Boundaries of Maternal Authority



The Ancient Greeks & Ancient Christians has an intimate understanding of human psychology.  From their perspective there were 3 types of Authority:

The Authority of Reason (The Father)

The Authority of Mercy/Charity (the Mother)

Coercive Authority (Physical Punishment or Action)

When the Bible says that the woman is the complement of the Man they are actually referring to Complementary and Supplementary angles of what would become the Pythagorean Theorem. 


The Age of Accountability

Because of their understanding of the Female Psyche and feminine instinct, they placed certain strictures on Feminine Authority.  The Ancient Christians referred to this as “The age of Accountability”.  What it meant was that Feminine Authority is only valid in relationship to the children and at a certain point that Authority should cease to exist for the Good of Society.  When a child is born it is incapable of following the Laws of Society or even understanding…

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Mohammed had the potency of 40 men.

Epic Troll

mohammed math

According to Islam’s most trusted and traditional sources, the story is as follows:Everynight Muhammad used to visit and have sex with his 11 wives in a single hour.When one of Muhammad’s companions wondered at the prophet’s superhuman feats of libido and speed, another companion,the famous Anas, responded that the prophet had the potency of 40 men.

Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 400 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men.  This actually sounds like a pleasant way of saying that Mad Moe was Demonically possessed, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.”  So, according to Islam, Muhammad had the sexual lust and potency of 400 “heavenly men,” which is equivalent to 4,000 mortal men.

In spite of Barack…

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American Educational Reform



I am calling on Donald Trump, when he is elected, to institute Massive Educational Reform.  Education should be affordable and useful.  Our children should be taught how to survive in the world as it is, not as Liberal Progressives think it should be.  They should be given the skills needed to survive.  We shouldn’t be importing people from 3rd world countries who have invested in better education than we have so they can become de facto rulers in our own Nation because we couldn’t afford the education they have.

Other countries are learning in High School what our children haven’t learned after Graduation, with honors, from College.  Every Nation in the world is Leveraging themselves against the former Gold Standard that was America by investing in the education of their own children, how is it that we aren’t investing in ourselves?  Instead we are importing people on H1-B Visas, who are…

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Donald Trump is a Psychopath?



*A note about the author, in 2012 I finished creating my psychological models that I have been using to generate predictions since then with increasing accuracy.  I was so specific that I was nicknamed the Mind Hacker or the Psychopath Hunter mainly because my psycholinguistic profiling was designed to detect Psychopaths.  I clarified the differences between Sociopaths and Psychopaths for the Psychological Communit and I openly admit to being an Enlightened Sociopath. 

There are a few things that we have to realize about Psychopaths. First of all Psychopaths never reform they just become more manipulative.  Psychopathy is synonymous with Aggressive or Malignant narcissism.

Trump isn’t superficially charming he is overtly offensive. It’s been almost a year since Hillary Clinton has given a Press Conference. 

He isn’t Grandiose, his self esteem is based on his success in a challenging industry. Hillary Clinton has accomplished nothing as a Politician but enriching herself.  Politicians don’t make money, they take…

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