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High Occult Science for Fidem Turbare


Part of the responsibility that I have taken on myself is to explain to leaders of the Atheist communities, who are capable of understanding, the deeper occult philosophy and meaning behind some of the religions, that these religions were indeed created by Deists and not Theists, (with the exception of Islam which was created by a violent, illiterate, child rapist, and by illiterate I mean he couldn’t read) I wanted to explain to Fidem some of the experiences she herself is going through as explained by kabbalah and Aleister Crowley’s poetry being that he was conversant in multiple different systems, as I am, to see if she gleans anything useful from it. 

Below is the tree of life, it is a Qabbalist metaphor and a memory peg system.  The theory of everything was created a long time ago by men that I refer to as the super-genii.  They didn’t have computers back in the day so they had to remember things by uploading these memory peg systems.  The curious thing about these systems is after a period of time forcing yourself to use them the system seems to start organizing information for you.  We do have cellular memory and their is a portion of ourselves that recognizes and remembers this system and reactivates.  The ancient super-genii weren’t a little smarter than we are today, they were a lot smarter, as we will see.


If one were to take the philosophy of astrology (prior to the discoveries 7 original planet system) and over lap it with the tree of life, and overlay that with the major tarot arcanum, you would have the fully fleshed out theory of everything. The reason that I say the theory of everything is that everything only makes sense or can make sense to the human brain.  It is the human brain that makes sense of everything, the human brain is an important component in the universe.

Qabalah has been called “the western meditation tradition” and indeed it links us back to the traditions of India being the western version of the chakra system.  Qabalah is jewish mysticism based on the Zohar, in a manner of speaking “Zohar” means light.  What is fascinating is that most jews are forbidden to study Qabbalah and even the ones that are doing it aren’t doing it correctly anymore because of an innate fear instilled in them by Jewish religious leaders.  They confuse being Jewish with being able to do Qabbalah correctly, but most of them are told to focus on the path workings, which means they never get around to meditating on the sephiroth.  This is done to give them a sense that they are studying Qabalah without ever getting anything from it.  Part of this problem comes from the fact that every time there has been a Qabbalist renaissance, their has been a revolution.  The last qabbalist renaissance was in Spain about 300 years ago, right before the Jews got kicked out of Spain.


Qabbalah, in essence, is a reinterpretation of the scripture, the Jewish religion predisposes itself to this kind of plasticity because the Pentateuch, the first  5 books of the bible, the extended version of god’s name has been devowelated, thereby predisposing itself to controversy and different interpretations, this creates a pattern something like the Sanatana Dharma inside the Jewish faith, since nobody can ultimately prove their absolute correctness or the absolute incorrectness of anybody else and since you can’t change a single letter of the pentateuch on threat of death, their is a type of equality cemented between Jews with different interpretations of the Scripture.  When times are bad on returns to the scripture and reinterprets it to remain faithful to the ancestors and still to maintain an identity in a time of turbulent change and in this manner retaining the wisdom of the Fathers.

Origins of the word[edit]

The term cabal derives from Cabala (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew scripture. In Hebrew it means “reception” or “tradition”, denoting the sod (secret) level of Jewish exegesis. In European culture (Christian CabalaHermetic Qabalah) it became associated withoccult doctrine or a secret.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabal#Origins_of_the_word

A political cult is a cult with a primary interest in political action and ideology.[86][87] Groups that some writers have termed as “political cults,” mostly advocating far-left or far-right agendas, have received some attention from journalists and scholars. In their 2000 book On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left, Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth discuss about a dozen organizations in the United States and Great Britain that they characterize as cults.[88]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult#Political_cults


Technically, Fidem, you are highly spiritually and morally evolved, I realized this as soon as I met you, I know that you have French Jewish DNA.  Mary Magdalene went to France after Jesus death, with a girl named Black Sara or Kali Sara, you Fidem are a Kali monad, specifically this one (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga)  There was a Qabbalist renaissance in France too, the Cathars, they claimed that the Roman Catholic Church was too motivated by money, and the RCC sacked the castle.

You Fidem are in the top 1% of society as far as morality and higher philosophy go.  Most people can’t get as high as you are in 1,000 life times.  You will prove this to yourself over time.  People have their ceilings, I would direct you to the linguistic barrier in philosophy if you want to go as high as you can.



All of the sephiroth below the supernal triad are in da’ath, the sephiroth that doesn’t exist, because the Jews were the cult of 10, they were obsessed with the number 10, they are the source of the decimal system.  10 commandments, tithing, 10 plagues, etc.


tithe (/ˈtð/; from Old Englishteogoþa “tenth”) is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government.[1] Today, tithes are normally voluntary and paid in cashcheques, orstocks, whereas historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural products. Several European countries operate a formal process linked to the tax system allowing some churches to assess tithes.


Oh, wait, I forgot something, I have to go back.  All of the patriarchs of the bible are associated with systems of magick, which is why they were written into the bible in the form of a mythological allegory.




The 6th and 7th books of Moses form the basis of modern voodoo.  When you are fighting an enemy that has all of the resources with no resources you use voodoo.  The 10 plagues were a form of Voodoo.  The last plague was an evocation of Azrael, the Archangel of death.

Back to you.  As I was saying before the 7 sephiroth below Da’ath are in Da’ath.  Da’ath is considered the abyss, the attempt of the wizard/guru is to cross the abyss.  The Dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns is the ultimate power in the abyss, the physical world, any light you bring into the world marginalizes it’s authority and wounds it’s ego.  That corresponds to the 7 chakras, Jesus removed 7 demons from Mary Magdalene, he brought her to spiritual perfection.  She was his main student.  He succeeded in bringing the true religion to the west but not through the RCC instead rather through Freemasonry, the Western Guru Tradition, of which he was a member as was Shams, Rumi’s inspiration.

id, ego, superego

The Dragon is ego consciousness, it can control everybody in ego consciousness.  When you cross the abyss you are in super ego and no longer under the influence of the ego consciousness.  Not being able to get to you or at you the dragon attacks those close to you turning them on you.  Anybody in ego consciousness is a potential danger.


What you are experiencing right now is called the curse of the Magus.  Da’ath corresponds to the visuddha chakra or the voice.  Pay close attention to Scriptures 19 and 20…

Liber B
vel Magi
sub Figura I

00. One is the Magus; twain His forces; four His weapons. These are the Seven Spirits of Unrighteousness; seven vultures of evil. Thus is the art and craft of the Magus but glamour. How shall He destroy Himself?

0. Yet the Magus hath power upon the Mother both directly and through Love. And the Magus is Love, and bindeth together That and This in his conjuration.

1. In the beginning doth the Magus speak Truth, and send forth Illusion and Falsehood to enslave the soul. Yet therein is the Mystery of Redemption.

2. By His Wisdom made He the Worlds; the Word that is God is none other than He.

3. How then shall He end His speech with Silence? For He is Speech.

4. He is the first and the last. How shall He cease to number Himself?

5. By a Magus is this writing made known through the mind of a Magister. The one uttereth clearly, and the other understandeth; yet the Word is falsehood, and the Understanding darkness. And this saying is Of All Truth.

6. Nevertheless it is written; for there be times of darkness, and this as a lamp therein.

7. With the Wand createth He.

8. With the Cup preserveth He.

9. With the Dagger destroyeth He.

10. With the Coin redeemeth He.

11. His weapons fulfil the wheel; and on What Axle that turneth is not known unto Him.

12. From all these actions must He cease before the curse of His Grade is uplifted from Him. Before He attain to That which existeth without Form.

13. And if at this time He be manifested upon earth as a Man, and therefore is this present writing, let this be His method, that the curse of His grade, and the burden of His attainment, be uplifted from Him.

14. Let Him beware of abstinence from action. For the curse of His grade is that He must speak Truth, that the Falsehood thereof may enslave the souls of men. Let him then utter that without Fear, that the Law may be fulfilled. And according to His Original Nature will that law be shapen, so that one may declare gentleness and quietness, being an Hindu; and another fierceness and servility, being a Jew; and yet another ardour and manliness, being an Arab. Yet this matter toucheth the mystery of Incarnation, and is not here to be declared.

15. Now the grade of a Magister teacheth the Mystery of Sorrow, and the grade of a Magus the Mystery of Change, and the grade of Ipsissimus the Mystery of Selflessness, which is called also the Mystery of Pan.

16. Let the Magus then contemplate each in turn, raising it to the ultimate power of Infinity. Wherein Sorrow is Joy, and Change is Stability, and Selflessness is Self. For the interplay of the parts hath no action upon the whole. And this contemplation shall be performed not by simple meditation— how much less then by reason? but by the method which shall have been given unto Him in His Initiation to the Grade.

17. Following which method, it shall be easy for Him to combine that trinity from its elements, and further to combine Sat-Chit-Ananda, and Light, Love, Life, three by three into nine that are one, in which meditation success shall be That which was first adumbrated to Him in the grade of Practicus (which reflecteth Mercury into the lowest world) in Liber XXVII, “Here is Nothing under its three Forms.”

18. And this is the Opening of the Grade of Ipsissimus, and by the Buddhists it is called the trance Nerodha-Samapatti.

19. And woe, woe, woe, yea woe, and again woe, woe, woe unto seven times be His that preacheth not His law to men!

20. And woe also be unto Him that refuseth the curse of the grade of a Magus, and the burden of the Attainment thereof.

21. And in the word CHAOS let the Book be sealed; yea, let the Book be sealed.



You are beyond the abyss, don’t cling to anything in the abyss for your own sake.  Speak your truth.  I know that you have had some interesting experiences, one might refer to them as spiritual or supernatural.  There is such a thing as magick, but very few people can actually use it.  First you have to become the philosopher king, removing all of the cognitive biases and logical fallacies.  Once you have done this things will start to happen.  They are already happening for you.

Siddhis[note 1] are spiritual, magicalparanormal, or supernatural powers acquired through sadhana (spiritual practices), such asmeditation and yoga.[1] People who have attained this state are formally known as siddhas.[2]


Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as “perfection”, “accomplishment”, “attainment”, or “success”.[3] In Tamil the word Siddhar/Chitthar refers to someone who has attained the Siddhic powers & knowledge. Chith is pure consciousness/knowledge in Sanskrit also.



Siddha-artha  😉

