Tag Archives: kabbalah

Open letter to Madonna, Secret Society War VII.


Hmmm… Where to begin.  Recently, she first got my attention when he performed in Tel Aviv wearing all black and brandishing an Ak-47 (the international emblem of Terrorism), marching int Israel with other women dressed in black, like ISIS, as terrorists.  Apparently representing Palestinians being persecuted by Jews, her perspective is stupid and wrong for reasons I won’t get into in this particular blog.  This was before much of the activity by ISIS had begun and before many of the problems with HAMAS started for Israel.  I do not think that Madonna is psychic or clairvoyant, I think she is evil and she has fallen in with some unsavory characters which I will expose in this blog.


Red String Kabbalah is not a legitimate form of Kabbalah and it is not jewish either.  Allow myself to explain.  They claim that the red string is a protection from the evil eye.  Strange since the Nazar, the blue eye is protection from the evil eye.  The flag of Israel is blue and white as is the flag of Greece, this is symbolic of the Shechinah, God’s holy spirit, that is given the colors of blue and white, the colors of Chesed and Chockmah.  Chassidic Jews (named after Chesed or Jupiter) where a blue string dyed with a special ink.  If a Jewish person has to do things that break kosher law, for work, they have an area that his a red string surrounding the area, and the string is located above the buildings.  This means the red string is anti-Jewish law and is for her and her cult, anti-Jewish.


You might have noticed the increased amount of Satanic references and Homages at the Grammies.  I don’t have a problem with certain aspects of Satanism, I believe their are good Satanists.  If God is omnipotent then all will in the universe is his.

“The Devil is God’s Hitman.”  Shivastus Solomonicus

I have noticed increased psychopathic activity from the musicians in this country of late, and a bias that I don’t agree with, operating on a hidden agenda, that I don’t like.


The Illuminati have recently come out, saying that they won’t allow World War III to happen.  The way they intend to do that is by allowing Iran to get the bomb, allowing the Jews to be killed and Israel removed from the map.  And embracing Islam the world over.  They are trying to stay in positions of control and authority and so they have allied themselves with the devil.  Right now we are supposed to be ascending into the age of wisdom, but ego consciousness in this world wants to keep everybody stupid and under their influence.  Attention is a form of shakti and these people thrive on attention.  They need to be worshiped, they need to be idolized.  If everybody in the world gets smarter and less easily manipulated, then they can’t control people and manipulate them.  Solution?  Force everybody on the earth to live next to Muslims, enforce Radical Political Correctness.  That way nobody will speak out or contradict the narrative.  The psychopaths in positions of authority get to stay there making their secret back door deals and controlling who is allowed into the conversation and what they can say.  You aren’t allowed to do your will, YOU HAVE TO DO THEIR WILL.  Intellectual slavery.



I am not going to be able to explain this without things getting a little weird.  Several years ago I started having some very bizarre and intense spiritual experiences.  I would go into these altered states and well let me just show you.  That is me on the top on the right.  At that time I was becoming aware of who I was and the angels that make up my soul energy, one on the right and one on the left.  My left side angel is the Peacock Angel.  As symbolized by the symbol of my left hand, my right side angel is the Red Dragon, specifically the Red Dragon of King Arthur, it was his psychic protection, one of the most powerful defenses against all manner of psychic attack and physical assault.  It has manifested in the past to protect me.  I wasn’t consciously aware of what was going on.  Only now do I know it is there.  That hand symbol she is making is also symbolic of 666.  Lucifer represents the deadly sin of Pride.  The Peacock is the Totem spirit of Pride as it flaunts its Evolutionary Prowess.  Here is another painting that I did, showing the peacock in the form of the Sheckinah, and some other symbolism. (https://iconographicart.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/strange-bird/)


If you click on this link it will take you to a painting I did of my angels and my knowledge of who I am and what my purpose is.  (https://iconographicart.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/iccha-shakti-uma-kumari/)

pea·cock  ˈpēˌkäk/  verb  gerund or present participle: peacocking

  1. display oneself ostentatiously; strut like a peacock.
    “he peacocks in front of the full-length mirror”

Also of interest is that my current student, Patrick John Coleman was going through similar experiences and he also spontaneously started making this gesture.

15 - 1

Madonna recently said:

“We’re living in crazy times. It feels like Nazi Germany,” Madonna said in an interview to Europe 1 radio, adding that the situation in Europe is “scary.” The 56-year-old singer also pointed that France has totally lost its tradition of welcoming diversity and honoring freedom, saying that “anti-Semitism is at an all-time high” in the country. “It [France] was a country that embraced everyone and encouraged freedom in every way, shape or form – artistic expression of freedom… Now that’s completely gone.”

What does this rhetoric actually mean?  When she says “anti-semitism”  she is referring to the entire civilized world being fed up with Islam.  That is what she means by anti-semitism.  Europe, the native home of White People, is sick of Islam because they are beginning to understand what islam is.  That is why multiculturalism failed.  The fastest growing population of the stupidest and most violent people on earth HATE CIVILIZATION, they want sharia law.  Why don’t you go and shake your worn out booty in Iran?  or Afghanistan, Madonna?  Because they would rape you, and then either cut off your head or stone you to death for being a sharmouta.  (https://psykolinguist.wordpress.com/2014/09/23/sharmouta-and-sarmatians-rabbi-baal-shiva/) Madonna recently announced that she is the reincarnation of Mary the Mother of God.  She might very well be, but, this argument is used to suggest that Mary herself is a God and has more power than Jesus did or Authority over Jesus.  Let’s see how Jesus would respond to that.

1On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”

4“Woman,a why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”  John 2

Mary was like, “Hey, they are running out of wine and it’s a good party.”  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.  And Jesus responded, “What have I to do with you woman.”  Which means, if my powers were yours to command, you would possess my powers.  You made my body, Mom, you aren’t the creator of my soul 😉

Also of interest is that the turning of water into wine is the signature miracle for the god of the theater Bacchus, the god of the theater, students of this mystery school would hang a cluster of grapes above their door to let others know where a meeting was being held.

rabbi ba'al shivah

I am not going to tell you who I am the incarnation of or who I am the avatar of I will let you figure it out yourself.  But I do direct you to the Hopi Prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina…


The Reason Allah Is not Jehovah: Rabbi Ba’al Shivah.


The First 4 words of the Hebrew bible are quite significant.


This isn’t as straight forward as the English translation would make it :

“In the beginning God Created”

If you are familiar with Jewish Exegesis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardes_(Jewish_exegesis)) It doesn’t predispose itself to immediate understanding because it is supposed to be meditated on for Kabbalistic secrets.

It can be interpreted as Be Reshit, or with wisdom, Elohim.  Or it can be interpreted Bara Shit, Created 6.  Which is a reference to the 6 Sephira, Gevurah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Hod, Netzach, and Yesod, corresponding to the 6 days of the week, the reason that the supernal triad isn’t mentioned is because they are before creation, prior to physicality or objectivity.



So it interprets too, With Wisdom, Elohim. Or Created Six, Elohim.  Not so cut and dry is it?  The act of Creation was the act of the coming into being of the physical world, from the immaterial world, or in other words, the Big bang.


The word “Elohim” exists in the Hebrew as well as Muslim vocabulary.

As-salamu alaykum (Arabic السلام عليكم)”

the typical Muslim Greeting means, “Peace to the Elohim”.

L’chaim with a similar phonology means “to life.”

Interesting and Ironic that Muslim women, Chassidic women, and Nuns cover their hair so that they will not attract the attention of the fallen angels and attract their lust.  This is particularly ironic considering how much more prevalent and acceptable rape is in the Muslim culture than the other cultures, but if you had read my other pieces you would not be surprised. (https://thoughtuncommon.wordpress.com/2014/11/18/rabbi-baal-shivah-the-origins-of-islam-the-non-abrahamic-religion/)

Now according to Jewish interpretation, and Muslims claim to use the same bible as Judeo-christians while they twist the scriptures, YHWH ELOHIM represents “a complete name,” representing respectively the divine qualities of compassion and justice.  Being that YHWH represents the feminine agencies of Binah and Malkuth as mother and daughter, and manifestations of one another and Tiphareth and Yesod as Elohim, their bride groom in the form of a Righteous Man or a Tzaddick.

So if, as some people claim, Allah is Elohim them even that claim is partial and not all of the God of the Judeo-christian bible, but we will see even that claim is less than accurate.

Now the Name “El” can refer to the Elves, AngEls, Elders, and what have you as the facets/faces angles/angels of God’s personality.  But there is another explanation…

“ʾĒl (written alephlamed, e.g. Ugaritic𐎛𐎍Phoenician𐤋𐤀,[3] Classical SyriacܐܠHebrewאל‎, Arabicإل‎ orإله, cognate to Akkadianilu) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning “deity“.

In the Canaanite religion, or Levantine religion as a whole, El or Il was a god also known as the Father of humanity and all creatures, and the husband of the goddess Asherah as recorded in the clay tablets of Ugarit(modern Ra′s ShamrāArabicرأس شمرا‎, Syria).[4]

The bull was symbolic to El and his son Baʻal Hadad, and they both wore bull horns on their headdress.[5][6][7][8]He may have been a desert god at some point, as the myths say that he had two wives and built a sanctuary with them and his new children in the desert. El had fathered many gods, but most important were Hadad, Yam, andMot. ” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_(deity)

If you are familiar with my writings you know that Mohammed rebranded the ancient Persian/Babylonian child sacrifice cults of ancient Babylon bent on global domination.  The Jews who separated themselves from them because they fundamentally disagreed with them were constantly being dragged back to Babylon and “re-educated”.  The Babylonians, as the Muslims, have a strategy for taking over the entire world and submitting them to their Sharia law.  They breed irresponsibly, (https://thoughtuncommon.wordpress.com/2014/09/14/muslims-ishmael-and-judas-iscariot-by-rabbi-baal-shiva/)

They use rich lawyers to vexatiously litigate and change your laws so that you compete on a slanted playing field and then they bring in Sharia law and establish caliphates.  They train their children to only listen to their priest class, and they only have 3 books.  They teach their children the time will come when they have to kill all of the jews and anybody that doesn’t submit to their ideology.


“Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani.”

Did Jesus worship Allah? I don’t know that all of Jesus meanings have been uncovered, what we do know is that Jesus despised the Babylonian Jews that practiced the Abrahamic Law Code instead of the Mosaic Law Code, so it would be very unlikely.  I personally think he was asking why the angels had abandoned him, why the Elohim had abandoned him as indeed most of his disciples had abandoned him and still others abandoned him in their hearts, it must have been very trying even though he had foreseen it.



Some in the crowd who heard Jesus cry out “Eli Eli . . .” from the cross thought he was calling on Elijah. Sadly, even those Jews who thought Jesus was crying out for Elijah, had NO compassion for him, but used what they thought they heard to taunt him.

“Some of those who stood there, when they heard that, said, ‘This Man is calling for Elijah!’ Immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink. The rest said, ‘LET HIM ALONE; LET US SEE IF ELIJAH WILL COME TO SAVE HIM.'” (Matthew 27:47-49)

“Some of those who stood by, when they heard that, said, ‘Look, He is calling for Elijah!’ Then someone ran and filled a sponge full of sour wine, put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink, saying, ‘LET HIM ALONE; LET US SEE IF ELIJAH WILL COME TO TAKE HIM DOWN.'” (Mark 15:35-36)  http://www.biblestudy.org/question/meaning-of-eli-eli-lama-sabachthani-spoken-by-jesus.html

Torah Explained for Atheists part 3. Rabbi Ba’al Shivah

4 rabbi

I am going to open this piece with an exposition of the 4 rabbi’s that went into Paradise or PaRDeS and the exegesis of the story.  Later, I will return to the intro to the The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, translated with commentary by Daniel C. Matt.  Those portions that are not sourced come from the Zohar.  Let’s begin. 

The version in the Babylonian Talmud, which is the best-known, may be translated:

The Rabbis taught: Four entered the Pardes. They were Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher and Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva said to them, “When you come to the place of pure marble stones, do not say, ‘Water! Water!’ for it is said, ‘He who speaks untruths shall not stand before My eyes’ (Psalms 101:7)”. Ben Azzai gazed and died. Regarding him the verse states, ‘Precious in the eyes of G-d is the death of His pious ones’ (Psalms 116:15). Ben Zoma gazed and was harmed. Regarding him the verse states, ‘Did you find honey? Eat as only much as you need, lest you be overfilled and vomit it’ (Proverbs 25:16). Acher cut down the plantings. Rabbi Akiva entered in peace and left in peace.[3]

In the commentary printed beside the Talmud text, Rashi says that Ben Azzai died from looking at the Divine Presence. Ben Zoma‘s harm was in losing his sanity. Acher‘s “cutting down the plantings” in the orchard refers to becoming a heretic from the experience. Acher means “the other one”, and is the Talmudic term for thesageElisha ben Avuya. Rabbi Akiva, in contrast to the other three, became the leading Rabbinic figure of the era.


“Again and again Rabbi Shim’on waxes eloquent in the praise of those who study Torah, especially those who do so after midnight.  They indeed take the place of the priests and Levites of old, ‘who stand in the house of the Lord by night.’  Those who awaken nightly to study the secrets of Torah become the earthly attendants of the divine bride, ushering Her into the chamber where She will unite at dawn with Her heavenly spouse.”

This is interesting to me for a few reasons, the reference to studying Torah at midnight is interesting because it is after midnight that one practices black magick in Voodoo, modern Voodoo is based on the 6th and 7th books of Moses.  Voodoo is something you use when you have no resources and you are fighting an enemy with all the resources.  This passage portrays the Levites as a kind of Guardian, hyper vigilant to an attack from the enemy, standing in a heightened state of suspicious awareness while everybody else slumbers.

“Torah, in the Zohar is not conceived as a text, as an object, or as material, but as a living divine presence, engaged in a mutual relationship with the person who studies her.  More than that, in the zoharic consciousness Torah is compared to a beloved who carries on with her lovers a mutual dynamic courtship.”

Remember if you will my theory that the cult of the Augures who created the philosophy of law, science, and religion in the West were associated with India and the Hebrews.  The High Priest of the cult of the Augures meditated on the divine law that infused the universe, he didn’t create the law and he was subject to it.  Even the separation of powers of the president is modeled after the Philosophy of the Augure cult.  Think of Torah as the divine law that governs events in the universe.

“The beloved in the nexus of this rrelationship is entirely active.  She sends signals of her interest to her lover, she intensifies his passionate desire for her by games of revealing and hiding.  She discloses secrets that stir his curiosity.  She desires to be loved.  The beloved is is closed in an erotic progression before her lover out of a desire to reveal secrets that have been forever hidden within her.

…the day when God gave Torah to Israel and proclaimed His love for her in the song of songs.”

a rhetorical tautology of God giving man a soul by giving him philosophy…


“In the Zohar, the true subject matter that the kabbalist finds in every verse is the hieros gamos itself, the mystical union of the divine male and female – the eros that underlies and transforms Torah, making it into a symbolic textbook on the inner erocit life of God.”

I am going to paraphrase a bit, many of the texts that make the Zohar are of the stories of the rabbis under the tutelage of Rabbi Shim’on.  They like the apostles of Jesus wander and teach others, in that journey, as they are having this mystical conversation on the nature of reality and remembering their experiences and what they learn, they often encounter people and beings that have more awareness of certain principles that govern the universe and human behavior than they do.  This knowledge also enters into their canon.

“The world as first created was a true Garden of Eden because the blessed Holy One and the Sheckinah were fact to face, joined in constant embrace like that of the upper sefirot Hokhmah and Binah.  Divine blessing thus coursed through the system without interruption…”

At this point in time the Jewish people didn’t believe in making visual artistic depictions of men or animals because they feared it would lead to idolatry, but here I can trace the rhetorical tautologies and movement of ideas in this fashion.  


According to the Dalai Lama, Samantabhadra is the highest form of Buddha.  I think he meant this because this form of the Buddha represents God as the Creator in his male and female aspect, if you ponder you realize that in order to create you have to include feminine and masculine.  It might interest you to know that Heinrich Zimmer whose work was published and edited posthumously by Joseph Campbell had determined in his investigations that Buddhism was an offshoot of Hinduism as the Buddhas came from India and Nepal.  

Here the author makes mention of the myth of Plato which I will expound on for those of you who are not aware of it, and he connects it with the early Jewish myth, which is not only interesting in its implications it is also appropriate in light of my theories.

The Symposium Quotes
 “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
“…and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment…”
When he said this he was using the word Philia, or Brotherly love, or fraternal love, making a reference to a philosophical family, notice the word philosophy has the words philia and sophia in it.  The single soul would be Sophia, or Psyche, or Torah.  This also has to do with the Philosophy of Greek Astrology if that is interesting, you can read this piece that I wrote.  https://thoughtuncommon.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/philosophy-of-astrology/
hermaphrodite (n.) Look up hermaphrodite at Dictionary.comlate 14c. (harmofroditus), from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek Hermaphroditos (Latin Hermaphroditus), son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who, in Ovid, was loved by the nymph Salmacis so ardently that she prayed for complete union with him and as a result they were united bodily, combining male and female characteristics. Also used figuratively in Middle English of “one who improperly occupies two offices.” As a name for the condition, Middle English had hermofrodito (late 14c.), hermofrodisia(early 15c.). As an adjective, from c.1600.  http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=hermaphrodite
“Adam and eve according to the aggadah, were siamese twins, conjoined back to back.  This single being is that described in Genesis 1:27:  “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”  …in the following chapter is the separation of this pair, in which they are first turned to face-to-face to one another, …  They had to be “sawed apart” so they might be properly united.”

If we wanted to get really esoteric I could trace this idea all the way back to India for you.  Do you double dog dare me?


I entered in piece and left in piece so I will leave it to the rest of you to figure out who burns the plants, who drops dead, and who goes insane.


Introduction to Torah for Atheists, part 1.


Here is my introductory course to Torah for Atheists.  As I have explained before the people that wrote the bible didn’t take it literally, it was written in a kind of code, PaRDeS, a mythological history that can’t really be decoded unless one is familiar with cabala, and the tree of life.  It was written in this way so it wouldn’t immediately give itself to being understood by non Jews, because it was insulting as an alternative history to a group of people bent on global domination and hostile to any other perspective but their own.

The Quotes that I have selected are from the Pritzker edition of the Zohar by Daniel c. Matt all of these quotes in this piece will be from the introduction, not the actual text.


“the sixth sefirah is represented by the third patriarch, Jacob, also called Israel.” “Jacob is in the sense the perfect human- a new adam.” “In balancing their own lives, the people of Israel imitate the God who stands at the center between right and left, balancing all the cosmic forces.”  

In the Bahir it states: “Sixth is the adorned, glorious, delightful throne of glory, the house of the world to come. Its place is engraved in wisdom as it says ‘God said: Let there be light, and there was light.'” [1]

Tiferet is the force that integrates the Sefira of Chesed (“compassion”) and Gevurah (“Strength, or Judgement (din)“). These two forces are, respectively, expansive (giving) and restrictive (receiving). Either of them without the other could not manifest the flow of Divine energy; they must be balanced in perfect proportion by balancing compassion with discipline. This balance can be seen in the role of Tiferet, wherein the conflicting forces are harmonized, and creation flowers forth. Tiferet also balances Netzach and Hod in a similar manner. In that case Hod can be seen as the intellect where Netzach is seen as emotion.


“Moses is the single human to rise to the level of Tiferet, to become ‘bridegroom of the sheckinah'”.  “When gathered in Yesod, it becomes claer that the life animating the sefirot, often described in metaphors of either light or water, is chiefly to be seen as male sexual energy, specifically as semen.” 

The reason this is important is because of the connection not only to Taoism but also to the Occult Philosophy of India.

Ojas is a Sanskrit word which literally means “vigor”. According to the principles of Ayurveda, it is the essential energy of the body which can be equated with the “fluid of life”. Those who practice Ayurveda say that Ojas is the sap of one’s life energy which, when sufficient, is equated with immunity and, when deficient, results in weakness, fatigue and ultimately disease.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ojas

From my perspective this is a rhetorical tautology and this only happens when their is a common origin.  It is a pattern that is identical to another pattern and therefore congruent.

“The biblical personality associated with the ninth sefirah is Joseph, the only figure regularly described in rabbinic literature as a tsaddiq or ‘righteous'”

Yesod, the foundation, also represents the penis, Jacob rejected the sexual advances of Potipher’s wife, this sexual good taste and purity and abstinence from unclean women is an aspect of the personality of yesod.

The sephirah of Yesod translates spiritual concepts into actions that unite us with God.

It is often associated with the Moon, because it is the sphere which reflects the light of all the other sephirot into Malkuth, and it is associated with the sexual organs, because it is here that the higher spheres connect to the earth.


“The Great Drama of Religious life, according to the kabbalists, is that of protecting Sheckinah from the forces of evil and joining Her to the holy Bridegroom who ever awaits Her.  Here one can see how medieval Jews adapted teh values of chivalry – the rescue of the maident from the clutches of evil…”

to learn more read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtly_love

The Sheckinah is god’s holy spirit, the holy Ghost of the Catholic Church, the reason the RCC made it androgynous I suspect is because of a historical breach between them and the Jews.  It was a kind of retaliation, The Catholics expected the Jews to follow them and be more like them and give up their sovereignty.

Of further interest, the Holy Spirit was a concept that came from the Evolution of Philosophy, having come to the conclusion that a God must exist for various reasons it became apparent that god was also not in our universe but outside of it, furthermore, like a person sitting in deep meditation he didn’t move, anything that moves in our world is not god.  So god in the form of the prime mover unmoved, worked his will on the earth through his feminine side which was in fact the Holy Spirit or the Sheckinah.  This idea was also taught by the Pythagorean Math cults.

The unmoved mover (Ancient Greekὃ οὐ κινούμενον κινεῖ,[1] ho ou kinoúmenon kineî, “that which moves without being moved”) or prime mover (Latinprimum movens) is a monotheistic concept advanced by Aristotle, a polytheist[2][3], as a primary cause or “mover” of all the motion in the universe.[4] As is implicit in the name, the “unmoved mover” moves other things, but is not itself moved by any prior action. In Book 12 (Greek “Λ”) of his Metaphysics, Aristotle describes the unmoved mover as being perfectly beautiful, indivisible, and contemplating only the perfect contemplation: itself contemplating. He equates this concept also with the Active Intellect.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmoved_mover

“The primary function of Religious life, with all its duties and obligations, is to rouse the Sheckinah into a state of love.”

As we continue investigating we will see they are talking about erotic love.

The entire Zohar appears to have been written by Moses de Leon.  He appears to have entered a trance like state which is common in Qabbalistic meditations, there are even descriptions of how to do it, in Qabbalistic literature.  Of further interest the author also mentions Jacob Boehme the creator of the Illuminati entering into a similar trance like state and writing “under the force of mystical inspiration.”  I personally, am not without my own experiences in this regard, and I am sure those of you familiar with my work will agree with that.  What is interesting is that this inspired writing and the congruence and agreement with other inspired writings seems to determine cannonicity to a certain degree.  One inspired writer can often tell if and when another writer is also inspired, and their is no enmity between them.

As further evidence that the bible and other Jewish religious books were written in a kind of code I offer this testimony:

“In this context, the Zohar may be viewed as a grand defense of Judaism, a poetic demonstration of the truth and superiority of Jewish faith.  Its authors knew a great deal about Christianity, mostly from observing it at close hand but also from reading certain Christian works, including the New Testament, which Dominicans and other eager seekers of converts were only too happy to place in the hands of literate and inquisitive Jews.  The kabbalists’ attitude toward the religion of their Christian neighbors is a complex one, and it also has come down to us through a veil of self-censorship.  Jews writing in medieval Europe, especially those promulgating innovative religious teachings that were controversial even within the Jewish community, must have been well aware that their works would be read by Christian censors (often themselves Jewish apostates) who would make them pay dearly for outright insults to the Christian faith.”

“…this was also the era when the Christian image of the Jew as magician and devil-worshipper was becoming rampant.”

I have decided that I am going to conclude here and separate this section from the next section which will discuss the tora as a philosophy and as a soul which confirms a lot of my theories on history, linguistics, and philology.

The Bible Deconstructed for Atheists.


It is not my intention to bore you.  I wanted to explain some things to you about the bible.  The people that wrote the bible didn’t take it literally because it was written in PaRDeS, the word PaRDeS phonetically mimics the word Paradise.  

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardes_(Jewish_exegesis) )

Pardes (Hebrew: פרדסorchard) is the subject of a Jewishaggadah (“legend”) about four rabbis of the Mishnaic period (1st century CE) who visited the Orchard (that is, Paradise):

Four men entered pardesBen Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher (Elisha ben Abuyah),[1] and Akiba. Ben Azzai looked and died; Ben Zoma looked and went mad; Acher destroyed the plants; Akiba entered in peace and departed in peace.[2]


Rashi explains that they ascended to Heaven by utilizing the Divine Name, which might be understood as achieving a spiritual elevation through Jewish meditationpractices.  PaRDeS-exegesis is an acronym for the 4 traditional methods of exegesis in Judaism. In this sense, they were the four to understand the whole Torah[citation needed].  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardes_(legend)#Exposition


This is a pretty good commentary on the exegesis of this legend metaphor:  



It might interest you to know that Muslims assume that the Jews altered the bible because while it foretells the coming of the messiah, it doesn’t foretell the coming of Mohammed.  


The reason the name of god is ineffable is that it isn’t spoken with words, it is spoken with your thoughts, your words, your emotions, and your actions.  When the Jews Helenized the absorbed the Greek Philosophy.  YHWH is a metaphor for praxis. Praxis could be simplified into the concept of living your philosophy which is rational and by which one can be falsified.  A psychopathic philosophy for example (Islam) cannot be used to falsify the individual Muslim or Muslims collectively because it can only be used for proving them correct. . .

Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realised. “Praxis” may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas. This has been a recurrent topic in the field of philosophy, discussed in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Martin Heidegger,Hannah Arendt, Paulo Freire, Ludwig von Mises, and many others. It has meaning in the political, educational, and spiritual realms.


The first five books of the bible are known as the torah or the Pentateuch, which is the extended version of god’s name. Curiously it was written without vowels.  I think the significance of this is that each character of the Pentateuch represents a human being, the vowels weren’t added because they represented the feminine or the way in which all of the characters were connected to everything else.  Which is to say the way you pronounce god’s name on a global scale is through the correct relationship between everybody.  This also allowed different interpretations of Jewish faith to be codified in a way since that interpretation couldn’t be disproved which created a similar pattern to the Sanatana Dharma in India.  

Rabbis have a linguistic fetish and they play word games to look for hidden messages and to see things differently.  It is a source of inspiration.  If you consider my theory that Neural Myelination is passed on through cellular memory ask yourselves why are their so many Jewish comedians, lawyers, surgeons, philosophers, actors, and psychologists?  It was because of meditating on the Torah.  The laws of the Torah cement a democratic society that is cohesive, and it protects itself from psychological factors or economic factors that could tear the community apart.  

The Bible Code is just such a meditation that the Rabbis meditate on.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_code

This is probably a little less credible but still fun, in the english version of the bible code one of my Nom de plumes has a bible code matrix, let’s see how accurate it is.  



The first two chapters of the bible are Genisis (going in) and Exodus (going out).  What is the first thing you do when you are born?   What is the last thing you do when you die?  First you inspire and then you expire.  

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  genesis 2:7


inspire (v.)Look up inspire at Dictionary.commid-14c., enspiren, “to fill (the mind, heart, etc., with grace, etc.);” also “to prompt or induce (someone to do something),” from Old French enspirer (13c.), from Latininspirare “inflame; blow into” (see inspiration), a loan-translation of Greek pnein in the Bible. General sense of “influence or animate with an idea or purpose” is from late 14c. Also sometimes used in literal sense in Middle English. Related: Inspired; inspires; inspiring.   http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=inspire


Of further interest is that Rabbi Maimon said that the account of Moses was written in the present tense, which means get away from the Mizraim right now.  The Mizraim are the nations, specifically Babylon and Egypt.  Remember that Babylon (ancient Persia) was constantly trying to expand in increase it’s authority and that threat went all the way to Greece during the battle of Thermopylae.   The Bible was written by a people trying to maintain their identity and separate themselves from the ancient Persio/Babylonian mentality.  

As a god worshipped by the Phoenicians and Canaanites, Moloch had associations with a particular kind of propitiatorychild sacrifice by parents. Moloch figures in the Book of Deuteronomy and in the Book of Leviticus as a form of idolatry(Leviticus 18:21: “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch”). In the Old Testament,Gehenna was a valley by Jerusalem, where apostate Israelites and followers of various Baalim and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6; Jer. 7:31, 19:2–6).





Rabbi Ba’al Shivah, the Hindu Hebrew connection.


Today I am going to discuss some of the similarities between the Hebrews and the Hindus with my atheist friends and explain some of my ideas on the mind and psychology for them.  Above we see the Hamsa, which was originally used by the Jains in India.  Even the word Hamsa comes from the Indian word ahimsa, which means:

Ahimsa (Sanskrit: अहिंसा; IAST: ahiṃsā, Pāli:[1]avihiṃsā) is a term meaning ‘to not injure’. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hiṃs – to strike; hiṃsā is injury or harm, a-hiṃsā is the opposite of this, i.e. cause no injury, do no harm.[2][3] Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, and it applies to all living beings including animals according to many Indian religions.[4]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahimsa

We see that the Hamsa is actually a stylized penis, masquerading as a hand, hands by their very nature are not equilateral, the Shiva lingam represents Shiva’s penis. 

The lingam (also, linga, ling, Shiva linga, Shiv ling, Sanskrit लिङ्गं, liṅgaṃ, meaning “mark”, “sign”, or “inference”[1][2]) is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples.[3] In traditional Indian society, the linga is rather seen as a symbol of the energy and potential of the God.[4][4][5][6][7]

The lingam is often represented alongside the yoni, a symbol of the goddess or of Shakti, female creative energy.[8] The union of lingam and yoni represents the “indivisible two-in-oneness of male and female, the passive space and active time from which all life originates”.[9]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Linga

Shiva being the God of Death is also at the same time the God of life.  


Even if you look at the similarities between the so called “horned alphabet” and sanskrit you see similarities.  Hebrew was a revolutionary language for a secretive people, it was simplified and modified from sanskrit making it easier to use, it was the language of revolt, Kabbalists have always been very secretive in their communication of revolutionary ideas.  

Origins of the word[edit]

The term cabal derives from Cabala (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew scripture. In Hebrew it means “reception” or “tradition”, denoting the sod (secret) level of Jewish exegesis. In European culture (Christian Cabala, Hermetic Qabalah) it became associated withoccult doctrine or a secret.[citation needed]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabal#Origins_of_the_word

Have you ever considered the meaning of Moses finding the Hebrew god on Mount Sinai?  

According to some biblical scholars[who?], Horeb is thought to mean “glowing/heat”, which seems to be a reference to the sun, whileSinai may have derived from the name of Sin, the Sumerian deity of the moon,[3][4] and thus Sinai and Horeb would be the mountains of the moon and sun, respectively.

Interesting that Shiva himself is a moon god, is it not?  I frankly think that the burning bush was marijuana, the Aghori shaivists smoke massive amounts of marijuana, and then meditate in grave yards.  


Because the Jews were aware of psychology, when they were a warring tribe if you killed in battle you had to sit Shiva and meditate for 7 days before you were clean (kosher) and allowed back into the city.  My nom de plume means, Lord of Meditation, because in my slaying of the ego I have killed more than anybody else.  

The Hebrew word “shiva” means “seven”, and the official shiva period is seven days. The day of the funeral is counted as the first day of shiva, even though the practice does not begin until after the mourner(s) arrive at the designated location following the funeral.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_(Judaism)#Length_of_shiva

Shiva was a wandering philosopher, India was famous as being a source of wandering philosophers that went walkabout and took their traditions far and wide.  When he went to a strange land he would sleep in the grave yard because he was surrounded by an entourage of disembodied spirits to which he ministered, this is not bizarre in the Kabbalist tradition, many rabbis are known to have angelic and even demonic familiars with which they can be seen conversing. 

Below we see the Origins of the muslim epithet, “shayateen”. 

Had you been a cartographer and geographer working for the British East India company in the 17th and 18th centuries, you would have found all over India thousands of Hebrew-like place names with similar meanings in both languages as well. The map excerpt on this page shows a small section of ancient Seuna-Desa (Zion Land) in what is now Maharashtra (to right). At the bottom right of the excerpt is the city of Paithan, on the banks of the river Godivari. The Indo-Hebrews named the part of the river passing through Paithan’s territory Paithan (Pison, Phison), according to their traditions. In the upper left-hand corner is the city of Satana. According to the legends of the Yadavas (Indo-Hebrews), Satana would have made the folks in Sodom and Gomorah envious. The Seunas and the Satanas decided to resolve their moral and religious differences on the battlefield. The forces of “Satan” lost, but their defeat didn’t dishearten them. Eventually, we came to think of “Satan” as a being who lost the battle but not the war. The bible tells us that such a peace treaty hasn’t yet been signed between these two ancient enemies.


Later in that same article it says this:

Holger Kersten wrote in Jesus Lived in India,

“The relation between ancient Israel and Kashmiri can most clearly be demonstrated linguistically. Kashmirian is different from all the other Indian languages, the origins of which are Sanskrit. The development of the language of Kashmir has been greatly influenced by the Hebrew. Abdul Ahad Azad writes, ‘The language of Kashmir derives from Hebrew.’ According to tradition, in ancient times Jewish peoples settled here, whose language changed into the Kashmirian of today. There are many Hebrew words that are quite obviously connected with the language of Kashmir.” (pp. 68-69.)

24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”  Matthew 12: 24

The pharisees who were practicing the old Abrahamic law code essentially accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan.  Are you starting to see the connection here?  Instead of denying it, Jesus mentions the Temple of Solomon, and makes a reference to a house being divided against itself.  Solomon built gods temple by enslaving spirits and forcing them to do his bidding.  Then he turns it around on the Pharisees and asks them by what power they themselves cast out demons.  

It has recently occurred to me that their is a huge similarity between the phonology of the words Shayateen and Chaitanya.  

The Sanskrit word, Chaitanya, means ‘consciousness’ or ‘universal soul’ or ‘spirit’ or ‘intelligence’ or ‘sensation’.[1][2] It is the pure Consciousness or the cosmic intelligence, the consciousness that knows itself and also knows others.[3] It also means energy or enthusiasm.[4]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaitanya_(consciousness)

If you remember the Muslims hate the color saffron, which is the color of the robes of the Sarasvati order monks. Notice too the familiar phonology of the word Charlatan and what Mohammed said about Shaytan, he is the whisperer.  Remember that Mary Magdalene moved to France after Jesus alleged death.  Remember too that Proto-indo-european is more or less a fact.  I, being a phonologist, track the movements of ideas across countries and through time.   

The word comes from Frenchcharlatan, a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show. The best known of the Parisian charlatans was Tabarin, who set up a stage in the Place Dauphine, Paris in 1618, and whose commedia dell’arte inspired skits and whose farces inspired Molière. The word can also be traced toSpanish; charlatán, an indiscreetly talkative person, a chatterbox. Ultimately, etymologists trace “charlatan” from either theItalianciarlare, to prattle; or from Cerretano, a resident of Cerreto, a village in Umbria, known for its quacks.[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlatan

Imagine if you will the Pharisees bursting in and yelling, “Shayateen!  Charlatan!  Chaitanya!”.  Remember that they reject thought, they reject consciousness, they avoid thinking as much as possible.  They fear intelligence.  

I am familiar with the word Chaitanya because my Shaktipat Initiatore, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda has a root word in her name.  Her name means, Energy = chit, moves= vilas= velocity, bliss= ananda, Sarasvati order monks adopt the suffix “ananda”.  The word Chit, energy, comes from Chaitanya, consciousness.  The words Chi, ki, come from this root as well as the words Chan and Zen.  

Now it is no secret that I think Abraham and Brahma are the same being historically, I am not the first person to think this, many others have come to the same conclusion.  If you observe closely you will find many similarities between the marriages of Brahman families and Chassidic jews, what is of interest is that the Aghori, the lingayats, and the Kashmir Shaivists rejected more or less the authority of the Brahman priest class, who are very much like the muslims adhering to the old Abrahamic law code.  The lingayats, were poets and mystics, they wore a shiva lingam around their neck and they had a personal relationship with god, and no mediator separating them from god.  They had their own nickname for Shiva, and they visualized him in a form that was sacred to themselves.  It was very much a personal relationship with god.  


According to Heinrich Zimmer, whose work was edited and published posthumously by Joseph Campbell, there is only on Temple for Brahma, and the vast majority of demons worshiped Brahma.  This is of further interest when you consider that the Indian demons look so much like Muslims.

demon (1)

High Occult Science for Fidem Turbare


Part of the responsibility that I have taken on myself is to explain to leaders of the Atheist communities, who are capable of understanding, the deeper occult philosophy and meaning behind some of the religions, that these religions were indeed created by Deists and not Theists, (with the exception of Islam which was created by a violent, illiterate, child rapist, and by illiterate I mean he couldn’t read) I wanted to explain to Fidem some of the experiences she herself is going through as explained by kabbalah and Aleister Crowley’s poetry being that he was conversant in multiple different systems, as I am, to see if she gleans anything useful from it. 

Below is the tree of life, it is a Qabbalist metaphor and a memory peg system.  The theory of everything was created a long time ago by men that I refer to as the super-genii.  They didn’t have computers back in the day so they had to remember things by uploading these memory peg systems.  The curious thing about these systems is after a period of time forcing yourself to use them the system seems to start organizing information for you.  We do have cellular memory and their is a portion of ourselves that recognizes and remembers this system and reactivates.  The ancient super-genii weren’t a little smarter than we are today, they were a lot smarter, as we will see.


If one were to take the philosophy of astrology (prior to the discoveries 7 original planet system) and over lap it with the tree of life, and overlay that with the major tarot arcanum, you would have the fully fleshed out theory of everything. The reason that I say the theory of everything is that everything only makes sense or can make sense to the human brain.  It is the human brain that makes sense of everything, the human brain is an important component in the universe.

Qabalah has been called “the western meditation tradition” and indeed it links us back to the traditions of India being the western version of the chakra system.  Qabalah is jewish mysticism based on the Zohar, in a manner of speaking “Zohar” means light.  What is fascinating is that most jews are forbidden to study Qabbalah and even the ones that are doing it aren’t doing it correctly anymore because of an innate fear instilled in them by Jewish religious leaders.  They confuse being Jewish with being able to do Qabbalah correctly, but most of them are told to focus on the path workings, which means they never get around to meditating on the sephiroth.  This is done to give them a sense that they are studying Qabalah without ever getting anything from it.  Part of this problem comes from the fact that every time there has been a Qabbalist renaissance, their has been a revolution.  The last qabbalist renaissance was in Spain about 300 years ago, right before the Jews got kicked out of Spain.


Qabbalah, in essence, is a reinterpretation of the scripture, the Jewish religion predisposes itself to this kind of plasticity because the Pentateuch, the first  5 books of the bible, the extended version of god’s name has been devowelated, thereby predisposing itself to controversy and different interpretations, this creates a pattern something like the Sanatana Dharma inside the Jewish faith, since nobody can ultimately prove their absolute correctness or the absolute incorrectness of anybody else and since you can’t change a single letter of the pentateuch on threat of death, their is a type of equality cemented between Jews with different interpretations of the Scripture.  When times are bad on returns to the scripture and reinterprets it to remain faithful to the ancestors and still to maintain an identity in a time of turbulent change and in this manner retaining the wisdom of the Fathers.

Origins of the word[edit]

The term cabal derives from Cabala (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew scripture. In Hebrew it means “reception” or “tradition”, denoting the sod (secret) level of Jewish exegesis. In European culture (Christian CabalaHermetic Qabalah) it became associated withoccult doctrine or a secret.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabal#Origins_of_the_word

A political cult is a cult with a primary interest in political action and ideology.[86][87] Groups that some writers have termed as “political cults,” mostly advocating far-left or far-right agendas, have received some attention from journalists and scholars. In their 2000 book On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left, Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth discuss about a dozen organizations in the United States and Great Britain that they characterize as cults.[88]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult#Political_cults


Technically, Fidem, you are highly spiritually and morally evolved, I realized this as soon as I met you, I know that you have French Jewish DNA.  Mary Magdalene went to France after Jesus death, with a girl named Black Sara or Kali Sara, you Fidem are a Kali monad, specifically this one (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga)  There was a Qabbalist renaissance in France too, the Cathars, they claimed that the Roman Catholic Church was too motivated by money, and the RCC sacked the castle.

You Fidem are in the top 1% of society as far as morality and higher philosophy go.  Most people can’t get as high as you are in 1,000 life times.  You will prove this to yourself over time.  People have their ceilings, I would direct you to the linguistic barrier in philosophy if you want to go as high as you can.



All of the sephiroth below the supernal triad are in da’ath, the sephiroth that doesn’t exist, because the Jews were the cult of 10, they were obsessed with the number 10, they are the source of the decimal system.  10 commandments, tithing, 10 plagues, etc.


tithe (/ˈtð/; from Old Englishteogoþa “tenth”) is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government.[1] Today, tithes are normally voluntary and paid in cashcheques, orstocks, whereas historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural products. Several European countries operate a formal process linked to the tax system allowing some churches to assess tithes.


Oh, wait, I forgot something, I have to go back.  All of the patriarchs of the bible are associated with systems of magick, which is why they were written into the bible in the form of a mythological allegory.




The 6th and 7th books of Moses form the basis of modern voodoo.  When you are fighting an enemy that has all of the resources with no resources you use voodoo.  The 10 plagues were a form of Voodoo.  The last plague was an evocation of Azrael, the Archangel of death.

Back to you.  As I was saying before the 7 sephiroth below Da’ath are in Da’ath.  Da’ath is considered the abyss, the attempt of the wizard/guru is to cross the abyss.  The Dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns is the ultimate power in the abyss, the physical world, any light you bring into the world marginalizes it’s authority and wounds it’s ego.  That corresponds to the 7 chakras, Jesus removed 7 demons from Mary Magdalene, he brought her to spiritual perfection.  She was his main student.  He succeeded in bringing the true religion to the west but not through the RCC instead rather through Freemasonry, the Western Guru Tradition, of which he was a member as was Shams, Rumi’s inspiration.

id, ego, superego

The Dragon is ego consciousness, it can control everybody in ego consciousness.  When you cross the abyss you are in super ego and no longer under the influence of the ego consciousness.  Not being able to get to you or at you the dragon attacks those close to you turning them on you.  Anybody in ego consciousness is a potential danger.


What you are experiencing right now is called the curse of the Magus.  Da’ath corresponds to the visuddha chakra or the voice.  Pay close attention to Scriptures 19 and 20…

Liber B
vel Magi
sub Figura I

00. One is the Magus; twain His forces; four His weapons. These are the Seven Spirits of Unrighteousness; seven vultures of evil. Thus is the art and craft of the Magus but glamour. How shall He destroy Himself?

0. Yet the Magus hath power upon the Mother both directly and through Love. And the Magus is Love, and bindeth together That and This in his conjuration.

1. In the beginning doth the Magus speak Truth, and send forth Illusion and Falsehood to enslave the soul. Yet therein is the Mystery of Redemption.

2. By His Wisdom made He the Worlds; the Word that is God is none other than He.

3. How then shall He end His speech with Silence? For He is Speech.

4. He is the first and the last. How shall He cease to number Himself?

5. By a Magus is this writing made known through the mind of a Magister. The one uttereth clearly, and the other understandeth; yet the Word is falsehood, and the Understanding darkness. And this saying is Of All Truth.

6. Nevertheless it is written; for there be times of darkness, and this as a lamp therein.

7. With the Wand createth He.

8. With the Cup preserveth He.

9. With the Dagger destroyeth He.

10. With the Coin redeemeth He.

11. His weapons fulfil the wheel; and on What Axle that turneth is not known unto Him.

12. From all these actions must He cease before the curse of His Grade is uplifted from Him. Before He attain to That which existeth without Form.

13. And if at this time He be manifested upon earth as a Man, and therefore is this present writing, let this be His method, that the curse of His grade, and the burden of His attainment, be uplifted from Him.

14. Let Him beware of abstinence from action. For the curse of His grade is that He must speak Truth, that the Falsehood thereof may enslave the souls of men. Let him then utter that without Fear, that the Law may be fulfilled. And according to His Original Nature will that law be shapen, so that one may declare gentleness and quietness, being an Hindu; and another fierceness and servility, being a Jew; and yet another ardour and manliness, being an Arab. Yet this matter toucheth the mystery of Incarnation, and is not here to be declared.

15. Now the grade of a Magister teacheth the Mystery of Sorrow, and the grade of a Magus the Mystery of Change, and the grade of Ipsissimus the Mystery of Selflessness, which is called also the Mystery of Pan.

16. Let the Magus then contemplate each in turn, raising it to the ultimate power of Infinity. Wherein Sorrow is Joy, and Change is Stability, and Selflessness is Self. For the interplay of the parts hath no action upon the whole. And this contemplation shall be performed not by simple meditation— how much less then by reason? but by the method which shall have been given unto Him in His Initiation to the Grade.

17. Following which method, it shall be easy for Him to combine that trinity from its elements, and further to combine Sat-Chit-Ananda, and Light, Love, Life, three by three into nine that are one, in which meditation success shall be That which was first adumbrated to Him in the grade of Practicus (which reflecteth Mercury into the lowest world) in Liber XXVII, “Here is Nothing under its three Forms.”

18. And this is the Opening of the Grade of Ipsissimus, and by the Buddhists it is called the trance Nerodha-Samapatti.

19. And woe, woe, woe, yea woe, and again woe, woe, woe unto seven times be His that preacheth not His law to men!

20. And woe also be unto Him that refuseth the curse of the grade of a Magus, and the burden of the Attainment thereof.

21. And in the word CHAOS let the Book be sealed; yea, let the Book be sealed.



You are beyond the abyss, don’t cling to anything in the abyss for your own sake.  Speak your truth.  I know that you have had some interesting experiences, one might refer to them as spiritual or supernatural.  There is such a thing as magick, but very few people can actually use it.  First you have to become the philosopher king, removing all of the cognitive biases and logical fallacies.  Once you have done this things will start to happen.  They are already happening for you.

Siddhis[note 1] are spiritual, magicalparanormal, or supernatural powers acquired through sadhana (spiritual practices), such asmeditation and yoga.[1] People who have attained this state are formally known as siddhas.[2]


Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as “perfection”, “accomplishment”, “attainment”, or “success”.[3] In Tamil the word Siddhar/Chitthar refers to someone who has attained the Siddhic powers & knowledge. Chith is pure consciousness/knowledge in Sanskrit also.



Siddha-artha  😉



Deconstructing the Pentateuch, Rabbi Ba’al Shiva


The first five books of the bible hold special significance to the Hebrew community.  There is a warning that comes with it, do not change a single letter.  It was thought that there was some hidden code and people have meditated on the mystery and tried to uncover why these first 5 books are so important.  I am not here to say yay or nay on whether the bible code is real, but it is interesting, what I am here to do is to explain why these books are special and what they mean.


The Pentateuch is considered the extended name of god theoretically if you could pronounce it correctly powerful world changing forces are unleashed.  It is devowelated which means the vowels have been removed, now this also allows for interpretations and renditions of the meaning of the scriptures, a forced equality of perspective since you can’t prove your perspective as the single correct perspective and you can’t change the scripture to prove yourself correct.  This is why there are so many commentaries and interpretations from so many perspectives, because you can’t slam the door on anybody else’s perspective.  In a way it kind of has the same effect as the Sanatana dharma in Hinduism.

Now since we know that god’s name is the ineffable name, and if you are familiar with my explanation of the ineffable name, you know that you can’t pronounce god’s name in the physical sense because it has to be pronounced through right action, right thought, right emotion, and also right speech, as is consistent with Jewish Praxis a term more common in Kabbalah than in Judaism.  Extrapolating from this premise the same would hold true for the extended version of god’s name.

Now, in my humble opinion, the characters in the Pentateuch represent the world or more specifically the people in the world.  The vowels would represent the relationship between the phenomena which could also include animals to a certain extent.  Which means that the way that you would pronounce god’s name on a grander scale, in the world, would be through the proper relationship between all of the people in the world.  Which to my way of thinking would be what i refer to as equality under the authority of reason, or the Law.  “Aequalitatus sub ratio”.


Rabbi Ba’al Shiva Reveals Hidden Subjects in the Alphabet


If you observe the placement of the letters “M” and “N” in the english alphabet you realize that they are the 13th and 14th letters in the alphabet placing them exactly opposite from the first and last letters of the alphabet.  So if god is the alpha and the omega, then man is his reflection on earth.  Manifest, Amen, Ammun, moon, Man, mind, monad, mint, mensch, mnemonic.  Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, man reflects the light of god.

26 letters in the alphabet.  13 plus 13.  the lunar calendar has 13 months, not 12.


Native Americans used turtle shells as lunar calendars because of the 13 large portions on the back of a turtle. 


Perhaps this is where the myth of the earth resting on the back of turtles comes from. 


Furthermore, it is obvious to me that our alphabet was stretched for some particular reason which I believe that I can shed some light on.  We have certain redundancies of letters and sounds that are not necessary.  I believe that it was stretched from the Hebrew alphabet which has 22 letters, which is not to say that it comes from the hebrew alphabet but that it was necessary to achieve the number 26 for certain occult purposes.


The numeric value of YHWH is 26.  After the Hellenization of the Jews Jupiter became Jehovah, Jove, Jah.  Zeus is Jehovah.  72 +72 = 144 the same as 12 x 12.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/144000_(number)


7 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God.He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

5 From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,

from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,

from the tribe of Gad 12,000,

6 from the tribe of Asher 12,000,

from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,

from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,

7 from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,

from the tribe of Levi 12,000,

from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,

8 from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,

from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,

from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.


Also of note is the facility with which these numbers divide into 360 as in the degrees of the zodiac.  360/72=5.  144/72=2.  360 / 144= 2.5.   Not to mention the meaning of the number 13 as a number of revolution.  Mary Magdalene being the 13th disciple, and the knights Templar being turned on by the French king on October Friday the 13th, in 1307.

But let’s examine how the arrived at the number 26, shall we.  We need 4 extra letters to get from 22 to 26.


if you think that the english alphabet was stretched from the greek alphabet then there is only the need for two more letters which would be supplied by the redundancies in U, V, and W.  Double, yoo, not double V as it appears, showing that all three of these letters come from the same original letter and were stretched into vowels and consonants, a hard V and a latent V in the form of W.  You might also think that T and D are related, D being a soft T,  or H and K being soft and hard versions of one another and the truth is I don’t know.  But one letter I am sure of it the letter J.

J is the tenth letter in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Its normal name in English is jay /ˈ/ or jy /ˈ/;[1][2] when used for the ysound, it may be called yod (/ˈjɒd/ or /ˈjd/).

The letter ‘J’ originated as a swash character, used for the letter ‘i’ at the end of Roman numerals when following another ‘i’, as in ‘xxiij’ instead of ‘xxiii’ for the Roman numeral representing 23. A distinctive usage emerged in Middle High German.[3] Gian Giorgio Trissino(1478–1550) was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds, in his Ɛpistola del Trissino de le lettere nuωvamente aggiunte ne la lingua italiana (“Trissino’s epistle about the letters recently added in the Italian language”) of 1524.[4]Originally, ‘I’ and ‘J’ were different shapes for the same letter, both equally representing /i/, /iː/, and /j/; but Romance languagesdeveloped new sounds (from former /j/ and /ɡ/) that came to be represented as ‘I’ and ‘J’; therefore, English J, acquired from the FrenchJ, has a sound value quite different from /j/ (which represents the initial sound in the English word “yet”).


Jesus name used to be Iaesus, and the letter that is in both Jove/Jehovah and Jesus is the letter J, the 10th letter of the alphabet.  Interesting that the hebrews, who I sometimes refer to as the cult of 10, with their obsession with the number 10, their decimal system, their 10 plagues, their 10 commandments, their tithing, etc. would choose to leave their mark in the 10th letter of the aleph beth.
