Tag Archives: female communication rituals

Open letter to Madonna, Secret Society War VII.


Hmmm… Where to begin.  Recently, she first got my attention when he performed in Tel Aviv wearing all black and brandishing an Ak-47 (the international emblem of Terrorism), marching int Israel with other women dressed in black, like ISIS, as terrorists.  Apparently representing Palestinians being persecuted by Jews, her perspective is stupid and wrong for reasons I won’t get into in this particular blog.  This was before much of the activity by ISIS had begun and before many of the problems with HAMAS started for Israel.  I do not think that Madonna is psychic or clairvoyant, I think she is evil and she has fallen in with some unsavory characters which I will expose in this blog.


Red String Kabbalah is not a legitimate form of Kabbalah and it is not jewish either.  Allow myself to explain.  They claim that the red string is a protection from the evil eye.  Strange since the Nazar, the blue eye is protection from the evil eye.  The flag of Israel is blue and white as is the flag of Greece, this is symbolic of the Shechinah, God’s holy spirit, that is given the colors of blue and white, the colors of Chesed and Chockmah.  Chassidic Jews (named after Chesed or Jupiter) where a blue string dyed with a special ink.  If a Jewish person has to do things that break kosher law, for work, they have an area that his a red string surrounding the area, and the string is located above the buildings.  This means the red string is anti-Jewish law and is for her and her cult, anti-Jewish.


You might have noticed the increased amount of Satanic references and Homages at the Grammies.  I don’t have a problem with certain aspects of Satanism, I believe their are good Satanists.  If God is omnipotent then all will in the universe is his.

“The Devil is God’s Hitman.”  Shivastus Solomonicus

I have noticed increased psychopathic activity from the musicians in this country of late, and a bias that I don’t agree with, operating on a hidden agenda, that I don’t like.


The Illuminati have recently come out, saying that they won’t allow World War III to happen.  The way they intend to do that is by allowing Iran to get the bomb, allowing the Jews to be killed and Israel removed from the map.  And embracing Islam the world over.  They are trying to stay in positions of control and authority and so they have allied themselves with the devil.  Right now we are supposed to be ascending into the age of wisdom, but ego consciousness in this world wants to keep everybody stupid and under their influence.  Attention is a form of shakti and these people thrive on attention.  They need to be worshiped, they need to be idolized.  If everybody in the world gets smarter and less easily manipulated, then they can’t control people and manipulate them.  Solution?  Force everybody on the earth to live next to Muslims, enforce Radical Political Correctness.  That way nobody will speak out or contradict the narrative.  The psychopaths in positions of authority get to stay there making their secret back door deals and controlling who is allowed into the conversation and what they can say.  You aren’t allowed to do your will, YOU HAVE TO DO THEIR WILL.  Intellectual slavery.



I am not going to be able to explain this without things getting a little weird.  Several years ago I started having some very bizarre and intense spiritual experiences.  I would go into these altered states and well let me just show you.  That is me on the top on the right.  At that time I was becoming aware of who I was and the angels that make up my soul energy, one on the right and one on the left.  My left side angel is the Peacock Angel.  As symbolized by the symbol of my left hand, my right side angel is the Red Dragon, specifically the Red Dragon of King Arthur, it was his psychic protection, one of the most powerful defenses against all manner of psychic attack and physical assault.  It has manifested in the past to protect me.  I wasn’t consciously aware of what was going on.  Only now do I know it is there.  That hand symbol she is making is also symbolic of 666.  Lucifer represents the deadly sin of Pride.  The Peacock is the Totem spirit of Pride as it flaunts its Evolutionary Prowess.  Here is another painting that I did, showing the peacock in the form of the Sheckinah, and some other symbolism. (https://iconographicart.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/strange-bird/)


If you click on this link it will take you to a painting I did of my angels and my knowledge of who I am and what my purpose is.  (https://iconographicart.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/iccha-shakti-uma-kumari/)

pea·cock  ˈpēˌkäk/  verb  gerund or present participle: peacocking

  1. display oneself ostentatiously; strut like a peacock.
    “he peacocks in front of the full-length mirror”

Also of interest is that my current student, Patrick John Coleman was going through similar experiences and he also spontaneously started making this gesture.

15 - 1

Madonna recently said:

“We’re living in crazy times. It feels like Nazi Germany,” Madonna said in an interview to Europe 1 radio, adding that the situation in Europe is “scary.” The 56-year-old singer also pointed that France has totally lost its tradition of welcoming diversity and honoring freedom, saying that “anti-Semitism is at an all-time high” in the country. “It [France] was a country that embraced everyone and encouraged freedom in every way, shape or form – artistic expression of freedom… Now that’s completely gone.”

What does this rhetoric actually mean?  When she says “anti-semitism”  she is referring to the entire civilized world being fed up with Islam.  That is what she means by anti-semitism.  Europe, the native home of White People, is sick of Islam because they are beginning to understand what islam is.  That is why multiculturalism failed.  The fastest growing population of the stupidest and most violent people on earth HATE CIVILIZATION, they want sharia law.  Why don’t you go and shake your worn out booty in Iran?  or Afghanistan, Madonna?  Because they would rape you, and then either cut off your head or stone you to death for being a sharmouta.  (https://psykolinguist.wordpress.com/2014/09/23/sharmouta-and-sarmatians-rabbi-baal-shiva/) Madonna recently announced that she is the reincarnation of Mary the Mother of God.  She might very well be, but, this argument is used to suggest that Mary herself is a God and has more power than Jesus did or Authority over Jesus.  Let’s see how Jesus would respond to that.

1On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”

4“Woman,a why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”  John 2

Mary was like, “Hey, they are running out of wine and it’s a good party.”  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.  And Jesus responded, “What have I to do with you woman.”  Which means, if my powers were yours to command, you would possess my powers.  You made my body, Mom, you aren’t the creator of my soul 😉

Also of interest is that the turning of water into wine is the signature miracle for the god of the theater Bacchus, the god of the theater, students of this mystery school would hang a cluster of grapes above their door to let others know where a meeting was being held.

rabbi ba'al shivah

I am not going to tell you who I am the incarnation of or who I am the avatar of I will let you figure it out yourself.  But I do direct you to the Hopi Prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina…


The Reason I am MGTOW

L051247Now to be honest I am not officially a member yet because I haven’t signed on to their site.    But in another manner of speaking I have been MGTOW for years in spirit just not in name.  I started this page 3 maybe 4 years ago and it is currently connected to an ex-gf’s account.


I have not had a lot of good luck with women in my life.  As a matter of fact the vast majority of my problems have been caused by women or been about women. https://usaguru.wordpress.com/author/

american guru

After my first girl friend and Fiance’ I promised myself that I would never get involved in an exclusive relationship with another woman until I understood women.  I spent the next 20 years studying women and relationship, human psychology, history, the occult, philosophy, philology, linguistics, etc.  I was a bouncer, a stripper, a chef, a stand up comedian, and an author.  I now will not get in an exclusive relationship with a woman BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND WOMEN.

As I was repairing the problems with modern psychology as it is practiced, I noticed something peculiar, what inspired me was deborah Tannen’s work on male and female communication rituals.  I realized that if you took every logical fallacy and every cognitive bias and used them all of the time, you would sound exactly like a woman.

This prompted me to look at the problem like this.  From a linguistic philosopher’s perspective, how are male and female brain’s in relationship with on another?  How does the extreme feminine bias of the western mind factor into emergent properties that come out of collective western judgments and opinions?  What does this mean for society and the future of Western society?  What does it mean for me?


I realized that men have certain traits that occur more commonly than they do in women.  Our society forbids us from scrutinizing or criticizing women, it treats women like a privileged class of people that is not inclined to look at it’s own failures, learn from them, or correct them.  A type of sex based oligarchy in which women are considered moral authorities on account of having a vagina.  This was affecting the relationships of the individuals, and it was creating these social events which I began to predict with more and more accuracy.  I studied the natural inclination or women when left unchecked and what they would do, how they socially climb, how they think.  What I realized was that women were destroying the civilized world and making it weak and indefensible for the incursion of Islam.


What I observed was the emasculation of the male mind through the forcing of female communication rituals or radical political correctness, a meritocracy of pleasantness in which a person could be an incorrect douchebag pleasantly, but you couldn’t speak the truth if it was unpleasant and you couldn’t point out the psychopaths or expose the pretenders to reason like Socrates did without being forced to drink the Hemlock.

the-mind-hackerI originally wrote a piece for my ex-gf’s blog, which she has so considerately set to invitation only, even though I generated all of the content on her blog and it was still generating web traffic without her promoting it.  The name of the piece was called “As the Structures of Authority collapse”  there was another piece called, “unsustainable emergent properties in human judgments”.  They were time stamped so you can see exactly when they were written, and that they were indeed predictive.

Anyway, I have learned not to rely on women, and I hope never to be dependent on a woman again for her to do her part in a relationship and to carry her own weight.  I want a working relationship and women, much like psychopaths, enter into relationship for their own benefit, to steal from relationship or to socially climb in relationship, they are detrimental to relationship and they antagonize their own and everybody else’s success, because they only look at things to see how those things might benefit themselves and they never create more value than they consume.  Their life some is always less than zero, they are oxygen thieves, attention suckers, and space fillers.  They aren’t homo sapiens.


The First Colossal Failure of Equal Pay For Equal Work

julia pierson obama

For those of you familiar with my theories on male and female brains you know that women and men edit their consideration sets differently.  Nature compartmentalized male and female brains to look at the world differently and to be successful in two different arenas.  Men think about the world, reality, threats, the unpleasant, and women confine their interests to things that make them feel good.  I am going to illustrate the predictive nature of my theories by deconstructing this incident and my belief that narrative is doxography.

We need to be more like Disney World. We need to be more friendly, inviting.”  Julia Pierson

He was confronted by a female Secret Service agent, who he overpowered, and made it all the way to the East Room, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told CBS News, citing whistleblowers.”  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/fence-jumper-made-it-further-in-white-house-than-secret-service-let-on/

Some reports say he bodily threw her aside.  Men and women are not equal because they are not the same.  The arguments of the liberals make no sense.  They say men and women are the same and then they incentivize them differently, and force men to act like women, talk like women, and think like women.  Whatever result a woman gets is equal to whatever result a man gets.  This is the natural unfolding of this false belief, of this insidious propaganda.


Look at the reasons she gave for not pursuing the sound of gunshots that struck the white house, it could have been a car “backfiring” and it was dark outside.

Secret Service agents initially rushed to respond, drawing weapons and scanning for an attack. Moments later, a supervising sergeant said there had been no shots, ordering officers to “stand down.” The command surprised officers who had heard the shots, but many who had begun to respond to a possible attack returned to their posts.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/white-house-shooting/

shots fired at white house



Remember I said this when they shut off the internet.



I am not playing around, I go into these weird altered states and I make these predictions.  About a week ago I told my secretary to get me a time stamp on a prediction that keeps popping into my mind.  “They” are going to shut off the internet.  Al Franken is very cool peeps, he is a genius and I am not exaggerating.  If you can control what people can say, you can control what they think.  Al Gore (a multiple genius) in his book, THE ASSAULT ON REASON, explains how the television was a one way communication device and how this created a pattern making an entire generation feel that they had nothing to contribute on the subject of their country going into an ill advised war with Iraq.  He likened it to hypnotizing a chicken by over stimulating the orientation response. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orienting_response)  Part of the reason he created the Internet was to create a “meritocracy of ideas” and to reintroduce the conversation that is a provision of our government, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  

Mark my words, they are going to shut off the internet.  You think it can’t happen, but it will.  That way they can control who talks to whom and what they say.  They can control what you know, and they can control what you are looking at and how you feel about it and force you into  female communication rituals.  If it isn’t pleasant you can’t say it, even if it is true.  And you can’t communicate anger…

Get angry internetz!  Get loud!  Where is your moral courage? 




Ponder this, how many people have had an enjoyable experience with a bewb?  Now how many people have had an enjoyable experience with a penis?  The vast majority of people are not analytical philosophers, they don’t know the logical fallacies and they don’t know the cognitive biases and as such they can’t stop themselves from making them.  Furthermore I have found that neural myelination accounts for 90% of the decision making of human beings which means cellular memory.  I refer to humans as organic computers because they are predictable.  In their judgments there are certain patterns that emerge, such as a pro female bias.

Contemplate how many more people spend on breast cancer than veterans or prostrate cancer and the fact that Veterans charities are rampant with fraud and theft, which is not tolerated with breast cancer awareness, people are much more hyper vigilant.  But women didn’t sacrifice themselves for us.  Every person that served protected the entire nation from threats.  A woman having breasts is not necessarily a mother or our mother.  Yet we are far more sympathetic to feminine concerns than masculine concerns.

Every year at least $1.5 billion is spent on breast cancer research.  Some of this money comes from an ever-growing number of breast cancer non-profit organizations, but the vast majority comes from government organizations such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD).  The funds go largely to preventionand early detection.http://thinkbeforeyoupink.org/?p=1772


Men women and children have the same bias, choosing in favor of femininity and weakness.  Men are even insensitive to their own desires.  Men don’t even question this when asked to sacrifice themselves for women and children, they just presuppose the validity of it.  Women also don’t question it.  Women have gotten so arrogant and so expectant that men will sacrifice their desires and wishes for women and children that even after not having contributed anything meaningful to a man’s life women finding they don’t have enough of what they want will turn to the man and expect him to sacrifice himself so that she can have more.


The manliest men go off to war, they are in relationship with death and the threats and the ugliness, they create the outside perimeter, the grizzled, gnarly, rind, the crust, the tough outer layer.  That is why I say the male mind is sociopathic.

Inside that are the effeminate men, the champions of normalcy and pleasantness, captain save a ho, the white knights, the arm chair philosophers, with their feminist, elitist, bias.  It is the guy that is not fit to go into battle.  He acts as a moral authority protecting the women from the manly men, but also gaming the system for his own benefit.  He is to cowardly to do what the manly man does.  He is a champion of femininity.


The butch women essentially perform the same function as the effeminate men, protecting women from the truth, reality, ugliness, and death.  Lying to women about themselves.  Telling them they are equals to the men and not to worry.  The butch women are closer to the women and children then the effeminate men.  Women have an innate feeling of inferiority to men, Sigmond Freud got that right.  If you observe women in their reasoning, arguing, and behavior, they want to control the penis, they want to own it.  They want to direct the activities of the penis.  They want to send it to attack their enemies.  They want to control how it thinks and they want to be the focal point of its attention and the only source of its happiness.

Penis envy in Freudian psychoanalysis refers to the theorized reaction of a girl during her psychosexual development to the realization that she does not have a penis. Freud considered this realization a defining moment in the development of gender and sexual identity for women[1] — the parallel reaction in boys to the realization that women do not have a penis being castration anxiety. In contemporary culture, the term sometimes refers inexactly or metaphorically to women who are presumed to wish they were men.[2]


What is the most fascinating is how the behaviors used to champion negate their own arguments.  The manly women copy the behavior of men, therefore demonstrating that they tacitly believe that masculinity is dominant.  Fritz Perls said that you copy what ever behavior you believe is dominant when you want to win.  So the fact that they use masculine behavior when they want to win demonstrates that they believe masculinity is dominant.  You have to understand the psychosis that the individual must have to use a means different from their argument in order to obtain a sense of victory.  Women do this because it is a natural psychopathic/female strategy to expand and increase feminine authority.  Women think of themselves as a group, WOMEN.  Whereas men do not think of themselves as MEN, they think of themselves as a man.  Men do not feel that their position is increased by being men, while women do, and this comes from the fact that their need recognition was stimulated in that they closetedly feel inferior to men, thus the need for the repeated conquest against men.

The effeminate man will argue that the woman is the equal of man in mental function and ability, but if that is so why does she need the protection of the effeminate man?  The effeminate man argues against reason, and the participation therewith to increase the amount of poontang he has available to himself and not being able to compete with the manly man in manly endeavors, he adopts a strategy flying in the face of reason he presupposes that women need protection from the manly man and that they are incapable of dealing with reality and handling the truth.

The fascinating thing about people’s judgments, when they are no analytical philosophers, is that their judgments always make themselves correct.  It always justifies why they are good for wanting what they want.  Because their are so many weak, stupid, and incorrect people out their all of these strategies and judgments create a disparate impact in favor of weakness, stupidity, and failure.  Why are we attracted to emotional pornography?  Puppies, babies, kittens?  because they are harmless, because we feel like we could protect them and contribute to them, that has positive survival data for us, it means we are surviving well and that we are capable of providing for another.  If we were really secure we wouldn’t judge so hatefully and immediately against things that pose potential threats.   We wouldn’t be controlled by our emotional reactions and pre emptively attack people because they appear strong or smart.


http://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/organic-computers-definition-by-joxuashiva/ https://thoughtuncommon.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/deuchebag-nation-womans-world-part-2/ http://finscribeofwisdom.blogspot.com/2012/10/unsustainable-emergent-patterns-in.html http://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/armchair-philosophers/ http://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/histrionic-co-morbidity-psychopaths-at-work-part-2/ http://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/emotional-pornography/



In my psychology/philosophy/system, a persons thoughts are congruent with their words and their actions.  The discrepancy between these is how you recognize strategic behavior and the psychopath.  The disconnect between what they say they are doing and what they are actual doing.


If you observe the narrative of men and women it is obvious that they come from two different narratives, two different perspectives, two different minds and philosophies with different value systems.

The female narrative and the female brain was designed to deal with children, it presupposes an up down relationship a vertical relationship where one person is smarter and far more capable than the other.  This is also the narrative of authority.  Not a democratic narrative, but a pleasant authoritarian one.  Babies start out not being able to do anything for themselves and relying completely on their mothers.  The existence of the baby reifies the authority of the mother, but in the absence of the baby the woman’s emotions take the place of the baby.  She will indulge her own sentiments as the baby.

Male communication rituals evolved from two full grown worldly wise men talking to one another as they talk about the tribe and policy and the world and the problems, like a mafia don and a Consigliere they are both undeluded about the nature of reality, and you participate not because it was said in a pleasant way, because it wasn’t I am sure there were plenty of f-bombs and more than one reference to fecal matter, my point being you do it because you want to survive or win.  You don’t have to be coddled and bribed and kept happy like a baby and you might even get threatened.  You are expected to take personal responsibility and do it because it is the best option and it maximizes value for you and the family.  It is the language of the philosopher, the language of reason and it is a horizontal language, that presupposes an equal or approaching equal relationship.


Remember, if you will, that the gymnasium is where people practiced philosophy and were initiated into society.  It is also where they practiced, pugilism, pankration, and Greco-Roman wrestling, those are martial arts if you don’t know that.  Back in the day a duel was considered the highest scientific experiment.  Remember too that Domo, from India, taught the shaolin monks kung fu only as an exercise because they were too out of shape to meditate properly.

Men, left to themselves, without the influence or judgement of women, will whip themselves into the peak of physical perfection.  Picking on one another until every one of them is a lean, mean, killing machine. They do not pick on one another to weaken themselves or the tribe but to strengthen one another to protect the tribe.  This makes no sense to the female mind.  She perceives it as unnecessary cruelty.




Ponder this,

you have to hate who you are in order to change.  

As long as you like yourself you will not change, as long as you are content with yourself you will not change.  You have to despise yourself, loath your self, you have to be unpleasant with yourself, harsh with yourself.  Like a vociferous army general you have to bark at yourself and snap to attention for yourself. 

If I am fat, and I don’t want to be fat, I have to want to kill fat Joxua.  I have to humiliate and ridicule fat Joxua.  I have to take fat Joxua’s ass and put him on a treadmill.  I have to keep my eye on him like he is a criminal and he wants to steal some fat and become one with it again,  And once I kill fat joxua, if he starts crawling out of his grave again I have to stomp on his fingers and cave his head in with a shovel.  

My point is this, Male communication rituals are the language of self transformation, they are the language of self discipline.  Female communication rituals are pleasant.  Without Masculine communication rituals you don’t have the thought tools, the thought technology necessary for self transformation.  there is a theory, linguistic determinism, that essentially states that our vocabulary determines what we can do.  And its true, unless you are a wizard, or a linguistic philosopher or a shaman, you can’t break pattern without the words.  Without MCR you can’t and wont discipline yourself and you won’t change unless an outside force exerts itself on you. 


COMPLIMENTARY SCHIZMOGENESIS and the I, You, and We Narratives



Deborah Tannen, the foremost expert on male/female communication rituals refers to arguments between men and women as complimentary schizmogenesis.  She is referring to a pattern that is created between tribes and nations where in their relationships they keep on repeating their party lines.  I wanted to give credit to her but I want to be clear that much of my stuff is my understanding and my personal philosophic calculus, so don’t think that all of what I am about to say is coming from her.  I like her and I think we would have a very interesting and edifying conversation.  However we disagree on many aspects.  Scientific materials are descriptive, prescriptive and predictive.  Linguistics chooses to focus on the descriptive part of language, the patterns and processes that occur within living languages without making judgments as to what is good and what is bad.  My focus is on how to make relationship work, how to create the most value in a relationship for the most people, so I do judge and I do prescribe.  

What happens in complimentary schizmogenesis is that each person retreats behind their shibboleths and they start repeating the behavior they believe to be dominant.  Each thinks they deserve to win or deserve their way because of either the masculine solution or the feminine solution.  Each has retreated from the We narrative into the I and you narratives. (my personal philosophic calculus).  She communicates femininity to him and he communicates masculinity back to her.  They do not compromise and create a we narrative.  In my SHARED STATE THEORY OF COMMUNICATION there are 4 shared states, communication, understanding, agreement, participation.  Proximity could be a shared state too and it is necessary for the other 4 more or less but it has less to do with communication.  

I believe in “equality under reason” which means that the most reasonable person gets their way or the most reasonable solution is created.  Everybody hearing that agrees with it, but women think that I am talking about pleasantness, and moral authority and they nod their head in agreement and the go,  “MMMMMHMMMMMM!”  and men do the same but they think I am talking about pragmatism and the end result.  

Women consistently use moral authority to discount, judge, block, criticize, prevent, and not participate with the masculine solution or desires.  When women do not want to participate they will leave the we narrative.  When they require or desire participation they will say “we need to do this.”  and when they refuse to participate they will communicate tautologies of non relationship, “you need to use your own resources”  or, ” I think everybody should do what they are comfortable doing.” 




Pleasantness Fallacy:  The assertion or tacit bias that something that is unpleasant can be dismissed because it is unpleasant.  It comes from a childish perspective, a person incapable of dealing with reality, which is apriorily delusional.  It precludes the sometimes necessary communication of negative emotional data to attract the attention of another to a possibly dangerous error or discrepancy.  

One of the problems with female communication rituals is that there is no pleasant way to tell an idiot that they are an idiot.  The act of telling an idiot that they are an idiot requires certain negative emotional data.  If they knew that they were an idiot chances are you would not have to tell them.  FCR doesn’t allow for the communication of the negative emotional data that is necessary to convey the meaning.  By their very nature, idiots don’t know that they are idiots, they need some person or some event to tell them in no uncertain terms that they are stupid. 

One of the cognitive biases that people have is that every single thing that doesn’t directly antagonize their perception of reality proves it to themselves.  For some reason we think in america that it is a virtue to back down from insane people and stupid people and let them have their way.  I disagree.  They refer to this as “being the bigger man.”  I am not the bigger man, I am very, very, small.  Not in the ways that count just for the sake of being argumentitive.

I don’t want to live in a world where you can be in incorrect, douchebag pleasantly but you can’t speak the truth if it is unpleasant.  Where you can be covertly hostile but you can’t be hostile, where you can be passive aggressive but you can’t be aggressive.  Ponder this, if unreasonable people behaved reasonably and reasonable people behaved unreasonably, the world would be a perfect place where the most value was created for everyone.  But instead unreasonable people act unreasonably and reasonable people act reasonably.  It sucks.  Every day I wake up and feel that the world has become a stupider place to live. 

On a closing note, the first time I saw the movie idiocracy I did not realize it was supposed to be prophetic….
